TransBioChem 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-Exam 看板] 作者: huangtim (冷眼看世界,安靜要閉嘴) 看板: NTU-Exam 標題: [情報] 陳竹亭普化丙考古題 - 94年上學期第一꘠… 時間: Fri Oct 21 22:51:22 2005 ※ [本文轉錄自 NTUEE109HW 看板] 作者: huangtim (冷眼看世界,安靜要閉嘴) 看板: NTUEE109HW 標題: [情報] 陳竹亭普化丙考古題 - 94年上學期第一次期中 時間: Fri Oct 21 22:47:25 2005 General Chemistry 203 101C0 Test 1 (Open Book : Chemical Priciples, Atkin & Jones 5th Edition) October 21, 2005 1. Consider the following statements about the electromagnetic radiation and decide whether they are ture or false. Explain your answer or make a correct example about the false ones. (15) (a) As the temperature of a black body increase, the wavelength at which the maximum intensity is found increase. (b) photons of IR radiation are higher in energy than photons of UV radiation (c) Heisenberg uncertainty principle can not be applied to the electromagnetic radiation at 0k (d) the kinetic energy of an electron ejected from a metal surface when the metal is irradiated with UV is independent of the frequency of the radiation (e) the electrons that hit a metal surface and can result in the diffraction pattern have to have the speed of light 2. With the given electron density contour below: .....figure..... (a) draw the infromation from each figure by first determining the corresponding n and l values. Explain. (6) (b) draw the radial probability distribution along the directions that have the maximum probability for each plot. (6) 3. Using the model of "particle in the box" and the data in Table 2.4 to estimate the energy difference for the ground-state π-electrons in ethylene (CH2CH2) and in butadiene (CH2CHCHCH2). (10) 4. Write the lewis structure, including typical contributions to the resonance structure (where appropriate, allow for the possibility of octet expansion). (10) (a) dihydrogen phosphate (d) phosphorous acid (b) chlorite ion (e) chlorine nitrate (c) chlorate ion 5. infrared spectroscopy is an important tool for studying vibrations of molecules. Just as an atom can absorb a photon of suitable energy to move an electron from one electronic state to another. a molecules can absorb a photon of infrated radiation to move one vibrational energy level to another. In the IR spectroscopy, it is common to express the energy in cm^(-1) (wave-number). (a) the N-H vibration (as in p.85) is about 3400 cm^(-1). How much energy in joule for the N-H vibration would be absorbed by 1.00 mol of the molecules. (6) (b) The electronic transitions are usually in the UV-visible region. Estimate the energy in joules that will be required for a transition as in figure 1 of p.124. (6) 6. Draw the 3-D structure for the following molecules and describe the hybridization of the central atom. (10) (a) NH3 (b) HN3 (c) H2SO4 (d) HNO3 (e) SF4 7. Draw the VSEPR structure (including the long pairs) and predict the bond angles involving the central atom for the following compounds. (10) (a) COCl2 (b) CH3 (c) XeOF2 (d) IF3 (e) BrO3 8. Consider a hypothetical species of HeH: (a) What charge should be present on the species to allow the most stable molecules. Explain by drawing the MO energy diagram. (5) (b) If the charge on this species where increased or decreased by one, what whould be the effect on the bond order for the molecule. (5) 9. Consider the molecules H2CCH2, H2CCCH2, and H2CCCCH2: (a) Draw Lewis structures for these molecules. (3) (b) What is the hybirdization at each carbon atom. (5) (c) describe the C-C bonds and predict the C-C-C angles in these molecules. (5) (d) Do all the hydrogen atoms lie in the same plane in each molecules. Explain. (3) 10. Draw the MO evergy diagrams and predict the bond order and the magnetism for the following species. (15) (a) [O2]- (b) [O2}+ (c) [O2]2- (d) N2 (e) B2 共120分,祝各位電機強者都有破百的成績~ --

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1F:推 huangtim:不好意思,請問修到誰的推文了,請重推,謝謝XD 10/21 22:49

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2F:→ huangtim:此考題同醫學系彭教授所開課程考題 10/21 22:52

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