作者fukushima (xxxxxxxxxxxx)
標題[考題] 生物題目part.2
時間Tue Jul 19 22:04:24 2005
1. What kind of plant formed vast coal?
a. lycopods
b. conifer
c. seed plant
d. moss
e. lichen
我選a. 補習班給的答案是e
2. The Taq polymerase is used in recombinant DNA technology to
a. locate specific DNA segment
b. determine the nucleotide sequence of a specific gene.
c. make up to a millionfold copies of a DNA segment in a few hours.
d. make cDNA
e. carry out "shotgun cloning"
3. Gymnosperms having fan-shaped deciduous leaves belong to the phylum:
a. Cycadophyta
b. Coniferophyta
c. Ginkgophyta
d. Progymnospermophyta
e. Gnetophyta
4. The funiculus joins the ______ and ______.
a. endosperm ; embryo
b. ovule ; ovary wall
c. cotyledons ; hypocotyl
d. hypocotyl ; radicle
e. coleorhiza ; coleoptile
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※ 編輯: fukushima 來自: (07/19 22:18)