TransBioChem 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-Exam 看板] 作者: treva (要好好認真唸書囉) 站內: NTU-Exam 標題: [試題] 簡淑華普通化學丙期中考 時間: Fri Apr 22 15:43:31 2005 課程名稱︰普通化學丙 課程性質︰大一必修 課程教師︰簡淑華 開課系所︰生機系 園藝系 考試時間︰94.4.22 試題 : 1.Provide chemical formulas for the following materials: (10%) (1)tin(IV) oxide (2)ferrous sulfate (3)sodium crabonat (4)dinitrogen pentoxide (5)hypochlorous acid (6)hydrochloric acid (7)ammonium hydroxide (8)lithium perchlorate trihydrate (9)thiosulfuric acid (10)acetic acid 2.Fill up the following blank: (10%) (1)1 atmosphere=__mmHg=__bar;1 mbar=__torr. (2)A neutral atom of element "X" has 12 eletrons.Its atomic number is __, with __ protons in the nucleus.Its approximate atomic mass is __.Its oxidation state is normally expected tp be __. (3)1.5 femtosecond=__second;0.20 μg= __g;9.0 GHz=__cps. 3.Briefly explain or distinguish the following terms: (20%) (1)cathode and anode (2)homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture (2)endothermic and exothermic reation (4)enthalpy and entropy (5)extensive and intensive properties (6)redox reactions (7)mass number and atomic weight (8)State function (9)sbsorption and emission spectra (10)a quantum and a photon 4.For each of the following physical quantities give the order of magnitude and dimensions by citing common units: (10%) (1)ideal gas constant (2)Boltzmann constant (3)Plank's constant (4)visible lights(in wavelength) (5)temperature of liquid nitrogen bath 5.Write the mathematical expressions (5%) (1)the Boyles law (2)Dalton's law of partical pressures (3)Einstein equation for equivalence of mass and energy (4)de Broglie's equation (5)Energy levels of Bohr's H-atom 6.Answer the following quetions: (27%) (1)According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory,what is the average translational kinetic energy of the gas molecules at constant temperature T? (2)In compared under the same conditions,how much faster than helium does hydrogen effuse through a tiny hole? (3)What volume of 0.210 M NaOH is required to neutralize 20.0 mL of 0.1050 M HCl in an acid-base titration? (4)Calculate the density of methane gas at 25。C and 1 atm. (5)How many liters of oxygen gas are consumed for every 10.0 L of CO2(g) produced in the combustion of liquid pentane,if all volumes are measured at STP?Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction and do calculation. (6)State the three laws of thermodynamics in words or by using equations. (7)A visible light has a wavelength of 600.0 nm.calculate the frequency and the energy.Would ot produce the photoeletric effect in potassium? (Given the threshold frequency is 5*10^14 Hz) (8)Explain qualitatively why the endotheric decomposition of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide and carbon dioxides is spontaneous at high temperature but not at room temperature. (9)At its normal boiling point,the enthalpy of vaporization of pentadecane is 49.45 kJ/mol.What should its approximate normal boiling temperature be ? 7.The three numbers on the fertilizer label are the NPK designation.They indicate the nitrogen content expressed as % N,the phosphorus content expressed as % P2O5,and the potassium content expressed as % K2O.The use of mass percentage based on oxides is a holdover from the way compositions were reported in the early days of analytical chemistry.Answer the following quetions: (8%) (1)What are the percentages of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in 5-15-10 fertilizer? (2)What is the NPK designation for pure KH2PO4? (3)It is desired to make a 20-20-20 fertilizer using KNO3,NH4NO3,NaH2PO4,and an inert ingredient(sand).If this can be done,give the relative mass of each of the ingredients present.If this can not be done,show why this is the cass. Given atomic mass:N,14.00;P,30.97;K,39.10;Na,22.99;O,16.00 8.For synthesis of 1 mole ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen, (10%) (1)Write the balanced chemical equation (2)Calculate ΔH。,ΔS。,ΔG。 and the equilibrium constant Kp at 25。C by using the thermodynamic data given below. entropy in J/K: N2(g),191.61;H2(g),130.68;NH3(g),192.45 enthalpy of formation,ΔHf。[NH3(g)]=-46.11 KJ/mole (3)From a thermodynamic point of view,is the reaction spontaneous at 25。C? (4)Does high temperature make the reaction more or less spontaneous? -- ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆ ☆★ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ --

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