TransBioChem 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-Exam 看板] 作者: japwoon (japwoon) 看板: NTU-Exam 標題: [試題] 90年下 周必泰 普通化學甲下期末考partA 時間: Fri Jan 28 19:05:26 2005 2001. 6.22 Total:250 1.Definition and Explanation a.Write down the full name for the VSEPR model, and give the explanation (5%) b.Explain the difference between electronegativity and electron affinity (5%) c.Explain molecularity and termolecular reaction (5%) d.d1.Critical point and triplet point d2.Lysis and crenation d3.Tyndall effect (10%) e.n-type and p-type of semiconductors.(5%) What type of semiconductor would be formed if a small amount of Selenium impurity were added to pure Arsenic? (5%) f.Explain the differences between Schottky and Frenkel defects (5%) g.Give an explanation why ΔSsol0 (entropy of solution) for benzene in water is negative (-58 J/K) (5%) h.Ideal solution and Raoult's law (5%) i.Define hydrophobic and hydrophilic (5%) j.Why are CN- and CO toxic to humans? (5%) k.Define enantiomers (5%) l.Define the lanthanide contraction (5%) m.Define two types of cell:prokaryotes and eukaryotes (5%) n.Give the definition and the biological function of the following termologies: (10%) n1.Mitochondrion n2.Lyosome n3.Ribosome o.Briefly explain why glucose has to be stored in a form of polymers like starch rather than the monomers (5%) 2.Assume that NO has similar MO diagram with O2. For species NO, NO+, NO- and NO2- (10%) a.Write down the MO diagram for NO b.Ordering the bond energy in terms of bond order for the above species c.Which have(has) paramagnetic property? 3.In general, what types of information can rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy provide? Predict their order of energy in terms of wavelengths(i.e.UV-Vis, X-ray, IR...etc) (10%) 4.The Arrhenius equation for the reaction rate can be generally expressed as k = zpe^(-Ea/RT). Please explain the definition of z, p and Ea. (10%) 5.The decomposition of many substances on the surface of a heterogeneous catalyst shows the following behavior:Give the order of the reaction rate in A-B and B-C regions.(5%) How do you account for change of the rate from A to C? (5%) Rate │ │ B ______________C │ ╱ │A ╱ │╱ └─────────── Concentration of reactant 6.For a cubic packing spheres are stacked on top of each other in successive volume occupied by spheres in the unit cell layers. Define fv = ────────────────────── volume of the unit cell prove fv=52.4% for a cubic packing (10%) 7.The following mechanism(molecularity) has been proposed to account for the rate law of the decomposition of ozone to O2(g): k1 O3 + M ←→ O2 + O + M k-1 k2 O + O3 ─→ 2O2 Apply the steady-state hypothesis to the concentration of atomic oxygen, and derive the rate law for the decomposition of ozone. (M stands for an atom or molecule that can exchange kinetic energy with the particles undergoing the chemical reaction.) (10%) 8.Calculate the molar solubility(molarity) of O2 in water at 25度C and a partial pressure of 160 Torr. The Henry's law constant for O2 in water is 3.30×10^7 Torr/mol. Note for the Henry law P =kH*x where kH is the Henry's law constant and x represents the mole fraction of the dissolved gas (10%) 9.To determine the molar mass of certain protein, 1×10^-3g ofthe protein was dissolved in enough water to make 1.00mL of solution. The osmotic pressure of this solution was found to be 1.12torr at 25度C. Calculate the molar mass of the protein (10%) 10.Give formulas for the following complex ions (10%) a.pentaammineiodochromium(III) iodide b.tetraaminedichloroplatinum(IV) tetrachloroplatinate(II) c.iodopentakispydineplatinum(IV) ion d.trisethylenediaminecopper(II) bromide 11.Write down the MO energy-level diagram for CoF6 3-, which yields the high spin case, and for Co(NH3)6 3+, which results in the low-spin case (10%) 12.What is the biological function of a.cytochromes, b.myoglobin and c. hemoglobin? Are they saccharides, nucleic acids, protein or lipids? (10%) 13.Describe the mechanism of permanent wave of the hair(燙髮) (10%) 14.Give the structure of triple-hydrogen-bond base pair in DNA (10%) --

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