TransBioChem 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-Exam 看板] 作者: abacada (力量的極限) 看板: NTU-Exam 標題: [試題] 90年上 周必泰 普通化學甲上期末考partB 時間: 01/26/2005 01:26:27 Wed Multiple Choices (5%*20=100%) 1.The standard molar entropies of vaporization of liquids will be on the order of (a)benzene>water>methane,(b)water>benzene>methane,(c)water>methane> benzene,(d)methane>water>benzene,(e)benzene>methane>water 2.Which of the following are intensive properties (a)weight,(b)volume,(c)force,(d)pressure,(e)density,(f)work,(g)heat,(h)heat capacity 3.For a spontaneous reaction, which of the following statements are correct: (a)The entropy change of the system must be >0,(b)The entropy change of the surrounding must be >0,(c)The total entropy change must be <0,(d)the entropy change in the isolated system must be >0,(e)the change of the system free energy must be >0 4.Calculate the change in entropy when 50g of water at 80度C is poured into 100g of water at 10度C in an insulated vessel given that Cp,m=75.5JK-1mol-1 (a)2.8J/K,(b)-3.2J/K,(c)10.3J/K,(d)3.2J/K,(e)23J/K,(f)-12J/K 5.At 0K, the CO2 moleulfe only has two orientations. The entropy of 1 mole CO2 is then calculated to be (a)2.98J/K,(b)5.76J/K,(c)3.65J/K,(d)6.67J/K,(e)12.4J/K 6.Which of the following relations are correct (a)H=G-TS,(b)G=H-TS,(c)for a irreversible change dSsurr>dq/T,(d)for a reversible change dSsys=dq/T,(e)for an irreversible change ΔSsys+ΔSsurr>0, (f)at the phase transition ΔSsys=ΔH/T 7.The compression factor Z at 1atm is on the order of (a)CH4>H2>C2H4>NH3,(b)H2>CH4>C2H4>NH3,(c)NH3>CH4>C2H4>H2,(d)C2H4>CH4>H2>NH3, (e)CH4>C2H4>NH3>H2 8.Which of the following statements are correct (a)the root mean square speed of a perfect gas=√(3RT/M),(b)the mean speed of a gas=√(RT/M),(c)the root mean square speed of a perfect gas=√(8RT/M), (d)At room temperature, the root mean square speed of CO2 is ~620 m/s,(e)The kinetic energy of one mole monoatomic perfect gas is (3/2)RT 9.1eV is equivalent to (a)3.84×10^-23 kcal,(b)1.6×10^-19 cal,(c)1.6×10^-19 erg,(d)23.06 kcal/mol,(e)1.6 kcal/mol,(f)8065 cm-1 10.The standard enthalpy of combustion of cyclopropane is -2091 KJ/mol. The standard enthalpy of formation for CO2(g) and H2O(l) is -393.51 and -285.83 KJ/mol, respectively. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of cyclopropane to be (a)53KJ/mol,(b)42KJ/mol,(c)102KJ/mol,(d)33KJ/mol,(e)none of above 11.Which of the following statements are correct (a)Te Boyle's law states that when P→0, PVm=constant at a fixed temperature,(b)STP stands for standard ambient temperature and pressure,(c) Dalton's law states that at constant P and T the volume of the gas is proportional to the number of molecules,(d)Charles law states that at constant pressure the volume of a fixed amount of gas is proportional to temperature,(e)Dalton's law states that the pressure exerted by a mixture of perfect gases is the sum of the pressures exerted by the individual gases occupying the same volume alone. 12.In which of the following processes is the work done by the system the largest at 25度C? (a)An isothermal free expantion of the ideal gas from 1L to 10L (b)An isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from 1L to 10L against an poopsing pressure of 1atm (c)An isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from 1L to 10L against an poopsing pressure of 5atm (d)An isothermal reversible expansion of an ideal gas from 1L to 10L (e)The work is the same for processes a-d _ 13.Given the number of collisions per unit time, Z as Z = √2 σc(p/kT) where _ c is the mean speed. Accordingly, the mean-free path λ(distance/collision ) can be expressed as _ _ (a)√2 σ/kT,(b)kT/√2,(c)kT/(√2 σP),(d)√2 σPc,(e)kT/(√2 c) 14.(continue on 13)In a fix volume when temperature increases λ is then (a)increased,(b)decreased,(c)unchanged,(d)undetermined 15.A solution contains the ions Ag+, Pb2+, and Ni2+. Dilute solutions of NaCl , Na2SO4, and Na2S are available to separate the positive ions from each other. To separate the ions, in which order should the solutions be added? (a)Na2SO4, NaCl, Na2S,(b)Na2SO4, Na2S, NaCl,(c)Na2S, NaCl, Na2SO4,(d)NaCl, Na2S, Na2SO4, (e)NaCl, Na2SO4, Na2S 16.Diesel fuel normally uses petroleum of (a)C5-C10,(b)C10-C18,(c)C15-C25,(d) >C25,(e)cannot be determined 17.A silver concentrantion cell is set up at 25度C with 1.0M AgNO3 in the left compartment and 1.0M NaCl along with excess AgCl(s) in the right compartment. The measured cell potential is 0.58V. Calculate the Ksp value for AgCl at 25度C. (a)2.2×10^-15,(b)1.0×10^-8,(c)3.2×10^-32,(d)3.2×10^-12,(e)none of above, (f)1.6×10^-10 18.The ε0 for the half-reaction 2 H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH- is measured to be -0.829V, The standard free energy ΔGf0 for H2O(l)=-237KJ/mol, estimate the ΔGf0 value for OH-(aq), taking ΔGf0 of e- = 0. (a)45.2kcal/mol,(b)42.5KJ/mol,(c)-37.4kcal/mol,(d)-210.3KJ/mol,(e)-22.3kcal /mol 19.(1)PbO2 + 4H+ + SO4 2- + 2e- → PbSP4(s) + 2H2O ε0 = ? (2)PbO2 + 4H+ + 2e- → Pb2+ + 2H2O ε0 = 1.46 Knowing Ksp of PbSO4 = 1.7×10^-8, ε0 value for the reaction (1) is calculated to be (a)1.69,(b)1.23,(c)-1.32,(d)0.83,(e)-1.85,(f)0.52 20.Benzene has a melting point of 5.5度C and an enthalpy of fusion of 10.4KJ/ mol at 25度C. The molar heat capacities at constant pressure for solid and liquid benzene are 100.4 J/Kmol and 133.0 J/K, respectively. Calculate the ΔSsys of freezing for benzene at 5.5度C. (a)-36.3J/K,(b)-9.55J/K,(c)-41J/K,(d)-33.8J/K,(e)-52.3J/K --

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