TransBioChem 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-Exam 看板] 作者: abacada (力量的極限) 看板: NTU-Exam 標題: [試題] 90年上 周必泰 普通化學甲上期末考partA 時間: Mon Jan 24 01:52:55 2005 課程性質︰必修 開課系所︰化學 2002. 1.18 Total:255% (Questions 1-6 are derived from old examination and quiz 1-7) 非選:155% 1.Name the following compounds: (2%*10=20%) a.NaClO, b.NaClO4, c.Cr2O7 2-, d.KHCO3, e.H2SO3, f.GaN, g.CdSe, h.InAs, i.量筒, j.拋棄式滴管 2.a.Balance the following oxidation-reduction reactions, which occurs in acidic solution, using the half-reaction method CH3OH(aq) + Cr2O7 2-(aq) → CH2O(aq) + Cr3+(aq) (5%) b.Similar to the above statement except that the reaction takes place in basic solution MnO4 -(aq) + S2-(aq) → MnS(s) + S(s) (5%) 3.For the van-der Waals equation of the real gas Pobs= = nRT/(V-nb) - a((n/V)^2) a.Please define van-der Waals constants a and b (5%) b.For the following gases, which has the smallest value of b, and write down the order of a from the smallest value. (5%) He,Ar,CH4,NH3 c.At higher pressure such as >1000atm pressure calculated from the can-der Waals equation shows significant deviation from the observed one. Give a reasonable explanation. (5%) 4.From the relationship between ΔG0 and equilibrium constant Keq, prove the van't Hoff equation, i.e. lnKeq is linearly proportional to 1/T. (5%) 5.If platinum metal will dissolve in 王水 but not in either concentrated nitric or concentrated hydrochloric acid individually. a.Write down the reduction half reaction for Pt+2, PtCl4 2- and NO3 - ( forming NO in the acidic solution) and assign each reaction with correct ε0 from the following valued:ε0=0.96,0.755 and 1.188V. (5%) b.The composition of 王水(2%), and its common name in English(3%) 6.a.How many degrees of freedom in motion does CO2 have? in which how many can be ascribed to the translational, rotational and vibration motions, respectively? (5%) b.According to the theory of Boltzman population moleculed have a greater tendency to populate at (a)highly electronic state (b)highly vibrational state (c)highly rotational state at room temperature. Give the order(of tendency) and explanation. (5%) 7.Explain the following definition and questions: a.The first, second and third law of thermodynamics (5%) b.Open system, closed system, isolated system (5%) c.Could you describe an experimental method to measure the Maxwell distribution of gas velocity? (5%) d."Green House" effect (5%) e.What does state function mean? Which of the following properties are state functions:potential energy, work, entropy, enthalpy, heat and free energy? (5%) f.Give the definition of exothermic, endothermic, endergonic and exergonic reactions. (5%) g.Which one has the largest Cv value among the gas molecules H2, N2, CO, SO2 . Ar at room temperature? Explain. (5%) h.(a)Which one is more stable, graphite of diamond? Give explanation from the thermodynamic viewpoint (i.e.entropy and enthalpy)? (5%) (b)If graphite is more stable, why didn't you see the conversion of diamond into graphite within your lifetime? (5%) 8.Calculate the change in entropy occurs when a sample containing 2.00mole of water is heated from 50度C to 150度C at 1atm pressure. The molar heat capacity for H2O(l) and H2O(g) are 73.5JK-1mol-1 and 36.4JK-1, respectively , and the enthalpy of vaporization for water is 40.7KJ/mol at 100度C (10%) 9.The value of Keq is 3.7×10^-6 at 900K for ammonia synthesis reaction. Assuming the value of ΔH0 for this reaction is -92KJ, calculated the value of Keq at 550K. (10%) 10.1.00mol of perfect gas at 27度C is expanded isothermally from an initial pressure of 3.00atm to a final pressure of 1.0atm in two ways:(1)reversibly and (2)against constant external pressure of 1.0atm. Calculate q, w, ΔH, ΔSsys, ΔSsurr and ΔSuniv (20%) --

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