Trading 板


Job Description: OptionsTrader Contact: [email protected] Job Summary Premier high frequency trading shop seeking an options trader to join their growing proprietary trading team. Job Description Looking for a competitive and highly motivated individual to help expand our options proprietary trading team. The role will be situated in Taiwan. The ideal candidate will have a strong grasp and understanding of options preferably in the market making space. You will have an opportunity to trade across a variety of markets in Asia, using our automated trading systems. Key Responsibilities ‧ Trade and manage risk of our options book within a technology-driven trading operation. ‧ Historical trade and data analysis. ‧ Collaborate with an overseas team. ‧ Analyze, maintain and enhance trading models and algorithms. ‧ Research new market opportunities. Key Requirements ‧ 1+ years of experience as an Options Trader. ‧ Sound understanding of the options market in Asia. ‧ Passionate and driven individual with an eagerness to learn. ‧ Strong quantitative, analytical and problem solving skills. ‧ Ability to listen and communicate in a clear and concise manner. ‧ Must be able to work productively in a fast-paced, collaborative environment. ‧ Solid understanding of the automated trading environment. ‧ Programming experience and working knowledge in a Linux environment is a plus! 職位總結 外商高頻交易公司徵求選擇權交易員,其造市團隊目前積極擴張中 職位描述 尋找具有競爭力以及企圖心的人才加入我們選擇權造市團隊。這個崗位會設在台灣。理想 的候選者應該對選擇權造市方面有透徹的掌控和理解。 將有機會運用我們的自動交易系 統跨亞洲多個市場交易。 主要職責 ‧ 執行交易及管理部位風險 ‧ 量化分析市場數據與交易績效 ‧ 同海外團隊溝通合作 ‧ 分析、管理和加強交易模型和算法 ‧ 研究並發現新的市場機會 主要要求 ‧ 1 年以上選擇權交易經驗 ‧ 對亞洲衍生性商品市場有具體的了解 ‧ 對交易有熱情,且充滿學習的企圖心 ‧ 強大的量化、分析和解決問題的能力 ‧ 邏輯清晰、且具有良好的溝通能力 ‧ 可以在快節奏的、協作的環境內有效率的工作 ‧ 對自動化交易有精確的理解 ‧ 程式撰寫能力以及熟悉 linux 系統者優先 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (香港)
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 cybermohrg: 哦哦哦 天睿要设台湾办公室了吗?快投啊 11/17 14:18
2F:噓 s39913108: 沒待遇 11/17 16:32
3F:→ cybermohrg: 那么junior的缺就别在意待遇啦,能上了学东西实在... 11/20 00:58

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