作者sfp (Fru:z)
標題Re: 論參數最佳化問題
時間Wed May 17 12:47:53 2006
Proper optimization results in a system that is more likely to perform well
in the future, but is less likely to perform as well as the simulation
indicates. So optimization improves the performance of the system while
decreasing the predictive accuracy of the historical results.
I believe that an incomplete understanding of this paradox and its causes has
led many to shy away from optimizing systems out of a fear of over-optimizing
or curve-fitting a system. However, I contend that proper optimization is
always desirable.
NOTE: A complete discussion of the complete process of Proper Optimization is
beyond the scope of this article.
What is a Parameter?
A well known commercial system is touted by its developer as a better system
because it has only "one parameter". While the developer may have optimized
only one parameter, I believe there are, in fact, many parameters. Many
constant values used in the system, like 2, or 2%, or 5, etc. are actually
parameters that have not been optimized (or perhaps the optimization has been
hidden from the purchasers). By my way of looking at things, this system has
more like five or six actual parameters, even if the developer does not make
it clear, or even believe himself, that these are parameters.
在這個系統裡使用到的常數,例如 2,2%,或者 5,這些東西事實上都是參數。
Consider a simple moving average crossover system:
Using a simple 80 day moving average, buy the next open if the price
closes over the moving average, sell if it closes below the moving average.
The entry stop is 2 ATR below the moving average for longs, 2 ATR above for
shorts. Bet size is 2% of total equity.
使用 80 天的平均線,價格站上平均線就在下一個開盤價時買進,反之則賣出。
停損的話,買進時設在平均線的 2 個 ATR 之下,賣出時設在平均線上。
bet size 設 2%。
How many parameters are there in this system? Many people would answer one
parameter, the number of days in the moving average.I'd answer differently.
First, there is nothing magical about the crossing over the price of the
moving average. Just because we have decided that the exact price of the
moving average is the threshold to buy, this does not mean that one couldn't
choose other prices related to the moving average, say 1/2 ATR higher, or 1
ATR higher, etc.Second, in the stop of 2 ATR, the value 2 is a parameter.
Also with the bet size of 2%, the 2 is a parameter. There is nothing magical
about the 2, one could just as easily use 1%, or 1.5%. So the 2 is just one
value of many that could have been used.Each of these placeholders for values
are parameters.
那麼,這個系統有幾個參數呢?很多人會說一個,就是那 80 天的平均線。
例如在平均線的 1/2,或 1 ATR 上。再來,停損的 2 ATR 中,2 也是一個參數。
還有,bet size 的 2% 也是一個參數。2 這個數字沒什麼好神奇的,
你當然也可以用 1,或者 1.5%。2 只是眾多可能性之一而已。
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