Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/yefmy6fz Timberwolves starting point guard Mike Conley’s pre-existing and troublesome left-wrist injury kept him from handling a basketball most of the summer. Mike Conley因長期困擾他的左手腕舊傷,導致整個夏天幾乎無法碰籃球。 It also kept him off the golf course much of it, too. 這也讓他大部分時間無法上高爾夫球場。 “I was depressed,” he said. “I didn’t golf all summer. I wasn’ t able to. I was in and out of casts and braces and stuff like that, just trying to get it to calm down.” 「我感到很沮喪,」他說。「整個夏天我都無法打高爾夫球,一直在進出石 膏和護具,就是想讓它穩定下來。」 It is a ligament injury, what Conley called an old tear from years ago that’s misplaced and complicated enough he said he wishes the issue, at age 37, were as simple as an old man’s arthritis. 那是一處韌帶傷勢,Conley稱之為數年前的舊傷,位置錯位且複雜。37歲的 他表示希望這個問題能像老人關節炎一樣簡單。 “If I want to fix it, I’ll have to get surgery,” Conley said. 「如果想修復它,我必須接受手術,」Conley說。 But later. 但以後再說。 “When I’m 50, I’ll get surgery, not right now,” he said. “The surgery is a little bit complex and I’ve been playing with it for years, so I feel like I’ll just finish it.” 「等50歲時,我會接受手術,而不是現在,」他說。「手術有點複雜,我已 經和它共存多年了,所以我覺得我會堅持到最後。」 *** Conley said he fell hard on the wrist last season, “like you sprain your wrist all the time,” he said. Conley表示上賽季重摔壓到手腕,「就像你經常扭傷手腕一樣。」他說。 “But when you have old bones like me, you have old injuries and stuff that will pop up,” he said. “That happened at some point in the summer.” 「但當你像我一樣老骨頭時,你就會誘發舊傷出現。」他說。「那是在夏天 的某個時間點發生的。」 Conley said he barely touched a ball all summer until just before training camp. Conley說,整個夏天,直到訓練營前夕,他幾乎都沒碰過球。 “I’m just trying to work back the strength of it,” Conley said. “That’s the biggest thing. The pain and stuff is gone. But there are some times when I’ll shoot it and think, `Ah, that’s good,’ and it’ll be like two feet short. So you’re just trying to gauge the differences and work through that as the season goes forward.” 「我只是想恢復它的力量,」Conley說。「這是最重要的事情。疼痛之類的 感覺已經消失了。但有時在投籃時,心裡想著,’啊,這是好球’,但會短 了兩英尺。所以你只是想衡量這些差異,並隨著球季進行去調整。」 Wolves coach Chris Finch said he didn’t notice an issue with Conley’s wrist until last summer, when he said “it really flared up on him” but said it has since calmed down. 總教練Chris Finch表示,直到去年夏天才注意到Conley手腕的問題,當時他 說「它真的在Conley身上加劇了」,但表示此後緩和下來。 “He’s just working out some stiffness in there,” Finch said. “ I haven’t really noticed it until this summer and preseason. I’m sure it’s affecting his shot to some degree. His shots all look good. They look like they’re going to go down. A lot have rattled out, but that’s really the only thing I’ve noticed.” 「他只是努力緩解那部位的僵硬,」Finch說。「我確信舊傷一定程度上影響 了投籃,他的投籃看起來沒問題,看起來會進,雖然很多都彈了出來。」 Conley was asked if it’s good, old arthritis. Conley被問到這是否沒問題,老關節炎。 “I wish it was just arthritis, that’d be easier,” he said. “I’ m not worried about it. I’m just getting adjusted. I’ve been through it before. It’s going to be ugly for a week or so and then we’ll figure it out.” 「我希望它只是關節炎,那會更容易處理。」他說。「我並不擔心,我只是 在適應。以前也經歷過,這個一週左右將會難熬,但之後就會控制住。」 --- 運動員真的辛苦。 球季剛開始不久,老康按照自己步調,逐漸找回比賽狀態。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1730511455.A.25B.html
1F:推 knare: 37歲了,希望DDV和新秀可以趕快練起來 11/06 16:20

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