Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/y47ccv9b Fans hoping the ownership dispute for majority control of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx would resolve before the conclusion of the current WNBA season and the start of the upcoming NBA season might be disappointed. 明尼蘇達灰狼隊與山貓隊的主要控股糾紛,恐怕無法在現行WNBA賽季結束 前及下個NBA賽季開打前落幕。 An arbitration hearing that would essentially settle the dispute between the minority owners, business partners Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez, and the principal owner, Glen Taylor, will begin early November — shortly after the NBA season tips off — people with knowledge of the matter told the Star Tribune. 據 Star Tribune 了解,解決小股東 Marc Lore、Alex Rodriguez與主要 股東 Glen Taylor 之間爭議的仲裁聽證會,將在NBA新賽季開打後不久的 11月初展開。 The hearing should last a week, with the ruling from a three-member arbitration panel coming within 30 days. A mediation hearing May 1 failed to resolve the dispute, automatically moving the issue to arbitration, a binding procedure for settling private disputes outside of court. 聽證會預計持續一週,由三位仲裁員組成的仲裁小組將在30天內做出裁決。 5月1日的調解聽證會未能解決爭議,自動將爭議移交至仲裁,這是法院外具 約束力以解決私人爭議的程序。 The arbitration must finish within six months and take place in Minneapolis, according to the contract between Purple Buyer Holdings LLC, the company Lore and Rodriguez own, and Taylor Sports Group, a company Taylor owns. Taylor also owns the Star Tribune. 根據 Lore 和 A-Rod 所屬公司 Purple Buyer Holdings LLC 與 Taylor所 屬公司 Taylor Sports Group 之間的合約,仲裁必須在六個月內完成,並 在明州舉行。Taylor 同時也擁有 Star Tribune。 Lore and Rodriguez were to make their third and final installment of a $1.5 billion payment to Taylor for the teams by March 27, giving them 80% ownership of the franchises. The next day, Taylor said in a statement the acquisition option had expired because Lore and Rodriguez missed the deadline. Lore 和 A-Rod 原定於3月27日前支付15億美元中的第三筆也是最後一筆款 項給 Taylor,取得球團80%的所有權。但 Taylor 於隔天發表聲明表示,由 於 Lore 和 A-Rod 未能在期限內完成付款,收購權已失效。 Lore, a billionaire tech entrepreneur, and Rodriguez, a former baseball star-turned-investor, said they secured the necessary funding for the deal and submitted the paperwork to the NBA on time. That then extends the deadline 90 days, they said, if the sides are awaiting league approval to finish the acquisition. Lore 和A-Rod 則表示,他們已為交易籌措必要資金,並及時向NBA提交文件 。他們認為如果雙方正在等待聯盟批准收購,則截止期限應延長90天。 The arbitration panel could rule in Taylor's favor, determining he was allowed to say the team was no longer for sale. The panel could also rule Lore and Rodriguez qualified for a 90-day extension, and Taylor must sell them the team or pay monetary damages. 仲裁小組可能裁定 Taylor 勝訴,認為他有權宣布球隊不再出售。仲裁小組 也可能裁定 Lore 和 A-Rod 符合90天的延期條件,Taylor 必須將球隊賣給 他們或支付損害賠償。 Lore and Rodriguez currently own 36% of the franchises, with limited partners owning the other 4%. If Lore and Rodriguez win the arbitration battle, they still would have to complete the NBA's approval process, but a decision in their favor would likely expedite the ownership transfer process. Lore 和 A-Rod 目前擁有球隊36%的股權,其他4%由有限合夥人持有。如果 Lore 和 A-Rod 贏得仲裁,仍需完成NBA的批准程序,但對他們有利的裁決 可能會加速所有權轉讓流程。 Since Taylor agreed to the deal in 2021, the teams' collective value has reportedly risen 87% from $1.57 billion to $2.9 billion. 自從 Taylor 在2021年同意出售球隊以來,兩支球隊的總價值已上漲了87%, 從15.7億美元成長至29億美元。 --- 簡短來說 -仲裁聽證會將於11月初舉行,預計持續一週。 -爭議核心在於少數股東是否符合收購球隊的最後期限。 -少數股東認為已籌足資金並提交必要文件,延遲期限至90天。 -仲裁結果將決定球隊最終所有權歸屬。 -球隊價值在近幾年大幅上漲,目前預估達29億美元。 --

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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1722166694.A.208.html

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