Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/25yydjas One of the defining moments of the Timberwolves' 2022-23 season was the one-two punch that happened in the final regular season game against New Orleans: Rudy Gobert taking a swing at teammate Kyle Anderson, a move that resulted in the team suspending Gobert for the subsequent play-in game loss against the Lakers. 上個球季例行賽閉幕戰的一二連拳,肯定是決定了該球季走向的關鍵事件之 一。Rudy Gobert 向隊友 Kyle Anderson 揮拳,導致自己無法在附加賽對 湖人戰役中出賽。 Around the same time that day, forward Jaden McDaniels punched a wall in a tunnel near the Wolves bench and broke his hand, ending his season. Maybe the Wolves' playoff path would have been different if Gobert had been around for the play-in game or the team's best perimeter defender had been available for any of the postseason. 同個晚上,Jaden McDaniels 也在回休息室走道上搥牆洩憤,導致掌骨骨折 ,球季提前結束。如果 Gobert 能在附加賽出賽,或是陣中最佳鋒線防守者 McDaniels 能在季後賽登場,球季最終走向可能有所不同。 Emotions ran high that day because the Wolves needed to win that particular game because of the position they put themselves in the rest of the season; namely by losing games they should have won against teams near the bottom of the standings (they went 6-12 against the bottom seven teams in the league). 當晚那種不能輸的壓力,導致球員情緒高漲,也因為球隊在前面81場的表現 ,遭遇聯盟後段球隊僅拿到6勝12敗,讓自己身陷沒有退路的絕境中。 The common theme in all this? Maturity. As the Wolves open training camp on a new season this weekend, that is top of mind for the organization from President Tim Connelly on down to the end of the roster. 這些事情共同課題?成熟度。從球隊總裁 Tim Connelly 到球員,皆認為是 首要任務。 "Our lack of organizational success is very evident and clear," Connelly said. "So until we take ourselves more seriously, more, no one else will take us more seriously. There's been a very loud mandate and risen bar about how we handle ourselves.” 「球團仍缺乏組織性成功是非常明顯的。」Connelly 說道。「所以,直到我 們能更加嚴肅面對自己,否則沒人會認真地面對我們。關於如何修復自身問 題,我們對自己有更大要求並拉高標準。」 There have been offseason comments from the Wolves that they will stop complaining as much to officials and to take those teams near the bottom of the standings more seriously, to do all the little things that teams with deep playoff aspirations do. But the Wolves will have to win over a skeptical fan base with more than pledges. 球團在休賽季曾表達過,將停止對裁判更多抱怨,面對戰績後段球隊會更加 專注,修補那些能幫助球隊在季後賽走遠的細節。但球隊必須用除了更多承 諾之外的方式,贏回內心仍有疑慮的粉絲。 Connelly said this season will be a success for the Wolves if they can at least win a playoff series, and that is paramount in a pivotal season that might require some tough decisions next summer with a looming salary-cap crunch. The Wolves cost themselves better positioning to do that a season ago, and that's something not just the younger players on the team said they have pondered this offseason. Connelly 認為球隊如果能贏得至少一個季後系列賽,那就算是成功賽季, 而這也是至關重要,考量明年夏天團隊薪資狀況,將迎來更加艱難的決策。 陣中資深球員也都表達在休賽季反思過相關問題。 "It's just looking in the mirror first and foremost," Anderson said. "The fact I got into it with one of my teammates last year, that just didn't sit well with me this summer. Getting five technicals last year, looking back, that's not who I am. Maybe I can look at it as a rough year. But … being a better teammate, not costing my team points with technicals — that stuff shouldn't happen.” 「首先照鏡子看看自己。」KA 說道。「上個球季和隊友發生衝突,讓我整個 夏天內心不安。還有上個球季領了五次技術犯規,那不是我的本性。也許我 可以把上季視為生涯低潮,但想要成為更好團隊成員,不會用技術犯規讓球 隊失分。那些事情都不該發生。」 Anderson's blowup with Gobert was an example of when communication can go haywire between teammates. That's something center Naz Reid has said the Wolves have learned from and won't take personally. He also said fans should expect to see a more consistent effort regardless of an opponent's quality. KA 和 Gobert 間衝突案例,意味隊友間溝通也會斷線。Naz Reid 表示球隊 已經上了一課,也表示預期球迷看到更加穩定的團隊發揮,不管對手是誰。 "We're able to speak to each other with a manner of respect. … I think that was a big thing for us last year," Reid said. "Then the way we handle ourselves, on and off the court. We're going out there to win games, fans paid to see that, and the game of basketball has to mean a lot to us. We're here to win, not just here to go out there and lollygag.” 「隊友間溝通能夠更加尊重對方,我認為這對上一季的我們來說是很大進步 。」Reid 說道。「還有我們如何處理場內外的狀況。我們上場全力求勝,球 迷花錢想看這一點,而不是上場閒晃。」 That last point falls to some of the younger players on the team to remain engaged even on the most difficult nights. Coach Chris Finch said Anthony Edwards and McDaniels, among others, have to find that consistency to prevent losses like the ones the Wolves had a season ago from happening. 最後一個重點落在陣中年輕球員身上,學習如何維持場上貢獻,即便當晚狀 況不佳。教練 Chris Finch 表示 Anthony Edwards、McDaniels 必須尋求更 好穩定性,避免類似上一季輸球的情況再發生。 "By nature, young players tend to be inconsistent," Finch said. "Both those guys have shown the willingness and the ability to play in big moments, but it's sometimes the nights when you're not feeling it 100 percent, or you're not playing on national TV or you're not playing a marquee matchup, those are the teams and those are the games that you have to go and find a way to win, and it's all about your habits and your approach.” 「年輕球員自然有不穩定的狀況。」Finch 說道。「他們兩位都展現出在大 場面打球的能力,但總會遇到不在百分百狀態,或是球賽沒有全國轉播,不 是關鍵戰役的刺激,你必須在那些比賽開打後,自然找尋贏球路徑。而這取 決於平時建立的打球習慣和方式。」 The Wolves have about a month of training camp to improve in those areas. Then the NBA world will see if they can back up their words. 灰狼隊為期近一個月的季前訓練營已經展開,他們能否兌現承諾,外界將睜 大眼睛檢視著。 --- 沒太多新的資訊,但能從上一季失敗經驗中學習成長也是非常重要。 --

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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1696262732.A.C25.html
1F:→ yzuboy: 推一個 10/03 06:21
2F:推 Leaflock: 推 10/03 12:15
3F:推 sato111: push 10/03 12:23

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