Timberwolves 板


※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言: : http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/12862359.htm : Timberwolves center Michael Olowokandi had done everything coach Dwane Casey : asked. 灰狼的中鋒-糖果人已經完成新任教練-Dwane Casey所要求的所有事了 : He reported to camp in excellent shape, drawing praise from his coach. : He was on time to all practices and hadn't caused any concern — : until Saturday night. 他在訓練營有傑出的表現而因此受到了教練的稱許 他在每次練習時皆是準時到場...也並不使人替他憂心 直到星期六晚上... : Casey said he had a long meeting with Olowokandi on Sunday morning, : a day after the 7-footer was fined for being late to the team's scrimmage : at Chaska High School. Olowokandi called trainer Gregg Farnam and : said his car service was late. 禮拜六那天...糖果人向訓練員Gregg Farnam告知由於他坐的車晚了 因而錯過當天晚上在Chaska高中舉行的分組對抗賽... 而隔天...Casey教練就找他進行一段長時間的面談 : Casey wouldn't disclose the amount of the fine but indicated it was : substantial. Casey並未透露罰了多少錢,但...很明顯的...應該不少 : Olowokandi declined interview requests after Sunday's practice. 糖果人拒絕了在禮拜日練習後的訪問 : The fine is the latest misstep for Olowokandi, who is coming off his worst : season. 這項處罰對於剛度過了生涯最差一季的糖果人而言,可說是一點都不為過. : This summer, he was acquitted of misdemeanor charges of disorderly : conduct and criminal trespass stemming from an incident at a nightclub in : Indianapolis last season. 這個夏天,他在Indianapolis夜店裡的脫序行為經過法院判決,宣告無罪 :He never arrived at Chaska High School on Saturday because Casey instructed : Olowokandi to return home. That meant he missed the team's first public : appearance under its new coach. 他在週六並未趕到分組對抗的原因是因為Casey要求他先返家 這代表了他錯過了隊伍在新教練底下的第一次露面機會 : Casey said his players began training camp with a fresh start. He said he was : surprised by Olowokandi's tardiness because the center had been following : team rules. But it took Olowokandi less than a week to get his first strike. : "You have guys with different personalities, and you work with them and : you go from there," Casey said Sunday. "I don't have a lot of rules, : but being on time is one of them. I'm not judging anyone, no matter who : it is, on what happened in the past. This is the first time we've had that : incident, and that's all I can go on." Casey說他希望他的球員能以訓練營為一個全新的開始! 他並說他曾經訝異於糖果人的遲鈍...因為他已經遵守了中鋒該遵守的團隊規則. 但糖果人不到一週就打破了他的想法. Casey週日說:"你跟許多不同特質的人在一起,你跟他們一起工作,所以你屬於他們." "我並沒有太多的規則,但守時是其中的一條.我不對任何人持偏見,無論他過去如何. 因為這是我們第一次在一起努力...這就是我的信念!" : The Wolves are hoping, if not expecting, Olowokandi bounces back from his : worst season as a professional. In 2004-05, he averaged career lows in : points (5.9) and rebounds (5.2). 灰狼希望...如果可以的話,糖果人能盡速擺脫他運動生涯最大的低潮. 在2004-05球季,他只繳出了平均5.9分跟5.2籃板 : Casey said he would consider averages of 10 points and 10 rebounds a : successful season for Olowokandi, who is beginning his eighth professional : season after being the No. 1 overall pick in the 1998 draft. : Olowokandi has averaged more than 10 points twice in his career and : averaged more than nine rebounds just one season. : Foul trouble has hampered Olowokandi throughout his career. He played : 19.6 minutes a game last season, his career low, in large part because of : foul trouble. Casey說:他會要求已經邁入生涯第9球季的"1998年選秀狀元":Olowokandi 要求他能繳出平均10分10籃板的成績單 糖果人生涯有過2次平均10分的成績單,但平均大於9籃板則只有一球季 犯規麻煩一直限制住糖果人,他上個球季平均只上場19.6分鐘. 因此他的績效不佳大部分因素與犯規麻煩有關 : Casey said he wants the veteran to play physically and use fouls wisely. : As for the fine issued against Olowokandi, Casey called it a "dead issue." Casey說他會讓有經驗的老將還進行肢體對抗,並靈巧的控制犯規. 至於有關Olowokandi的處罰問題.Casey認為那一點都無關緊要! 第一次翻外電...好像很糟糕 > <||| 希望大大能幫忙補上闕漏並給予指教... --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: HeavyBlue 來自: (10/12 21:23)
1F:推 twk:翻的很棒 ^__^ 10/12 21:37
2F:→ twk:對了...大於9個籃板, 不代表有10個籃板 :p 10/12 21:38
※ 編輯: HeavyBlue 來自: (10/12 21:43)
3F:推 HeavyBlue:抱歉沒注意到...XD 10/12 21:43
4F:推 zyzzyvab:HeavyBlue強!!! 10/13 00:16
5F:推 HeavyBlue:XD 10/13 10:26

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