Timberwolves 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Cavaliers 看板] 作者: lucky0623 (lucky0623) 看板: Cavaliers 標題: Rumors!!! 時間: Fri Aug 12 09:07:14 2005 http://www.hoopshype.com/rumors.htm Troy Hudson"Rumors are that Cleveland General Manager Danny Ferry has some interest in making a trade with the Wolves for point guard Troy Hudson. One player the Wolves have interest in is point guard Earl Watson of Memphis." Minneapolis Star Tribune 傳言Cleveland的GM Danny Ferry 想把灰狼的Troy Hudson交易過來...灰狼則對在 Memphis的PG Earl Watson有興趣... "The Cavaliers also are moving forward with their search for a point guard, according to league sources. Free agents Jannero Pargo, who averaged 6.4 points and 2.4 assists in 32 games with Chicago last season, and Steve Blake , who averaged 4.3 points in 44 games with Washington, will visit the Cavs later this week. In addition, free-agent point guard Dan Dickau, who averaged 13.2 points and 5.2 assists with New Orleans last season, may be invited to visit." Cleveland Plain Dealer 騎士也把目標擺在尋找一個PG,根據來自聯盟的消息,自由球員Jannero Pargo上季在 Chicago出賽32場比賽平均一場6.4分、2.4次助攻(平均出賽時間14.2),以及 Stave Blake上季在Washington出賽44場比賽,平均每場4.3分(MPG14.7 APG1.63P%.387) ,Blake在這禮拜也將拜訪騎士隊,除此之外,free-agent PG Dan Dickau在New Orleans 上季每場平均13.2分以及5.2次助攻在(MPG 31.0 SPG1.13),其也有可能拜訪 騎士隊 "The team remains in a battle with Miami for free-agent point guard Damon Jones, but while Jones would be viewed as a starting point guard, Pargo and Blake would be considered backups to Eric Snow." Cleveland Plain Dealer 騎士隊持續與Miami競爭爭取自由球員PG Damon Jones,但然而Jones看起來是先發後衛, Pargo以及Blake將被考慮為Eric Snow的替補 "The Toronto papers are reporting the Raptors are interested in shooting guard Luke Jackson, while forward Aaron Williams could be available in a trade." Cleveland Plain Dealer 多倫多的報紙根據報導,Raptors對SG Luke Jackson有著興趣,然而F Aaron Williams被 相信會被交易 "Still searching for a backup for Zydrunas Ilgauskas, the Cavaliers met with center/forward Jahidi White on Tuesday.Agent Chubby Wells, who also represents unsigned free-agent forward/center Dale Davis, confirmed the meeting between White and the Cavs, who have some flexibility under the salary cap since Ilgauskas has yet to sign his new five-year, $54 million contract." Cleveland Plain Dealer 持續尋找大Z的替補,騎士與center/forward Jahidi White 在這星期二碰面,經紀人 Chubby Wells也代表自由球員forward/center Dale Davis,被證實與White 以及Cavs參 加一場會議,騎士還有一些彈性在salary cap之下自從簽下大Z的五年54 million的新約 "Wells said he thought White would be a better fit for the Cavs from a financial standpoint than Davis. "I'm not sure how much money they can offer Dale," he said. The Cavs have about $3.7 million remaining under the salary cap." Cleveland Plain Dealer Wells說他想 White 比起 Davis 更加適合Cavs,站在經濟的觀點上。我不確定他還有 多少錢可以給Dale,騎士剩下3.7 million維持在salary cap以下。 P.S順便一提,籃網對於Diop有著高度的興趣 --

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1F:推 nick13tw:借轉灰狼板 08/12

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2F:→ nick13tw:Hudson換walton..嗯嗯..似乎防守跟組織能力增加 08/12
3F:推 shan740510:出清吧 08/12
4F:推 kingofdrama:防守比較好~~~可是我覺得他比Hudson還要黏球 08/12

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