Timberwolves 板


Rumors have begun to circulate that the Minnesota Timberwolves have signed undrafted free agent Dwayne Jones formerly of St. Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania. Jones had slipped through the draft and was looking to return to school. He had not signed an agent and it appeared that things were in order for him to resume his career under Coach Phil Martelli. However, Martellis is quoted in on the official site of St.Josephs athletics’ that he has stopped the process of reinstating Jones because of ongoing negotiations between Jones, his father, Dwayne Jones Sr. and the Minnesota Timberwolves. While there hasn’t been a formal announcement from the Timberwolves it would appear that the prospect of Dwayne Jones in a Wolves uniform is a distinct possibility. But what would that mean? What would Jones bring to a veteran club like Minnesota? There’s the obvious; youth, size and energy. Jones is listed as 6’11” 225lbs on the St. Joe’s website, so he’s in the very least a young body with five fouls to throw at the rest of the western conference. Will Jones simply follow in the footsteps of Reggie Slater, John Thomas, and Ervin Johnson as tall men destined to serve as human shields? Or can he be more? He did average a double-double last season at St. Joe’s averaging over 10 points and 11 rebounds a game. While those are impressive numbers, his true ability seems to lie on defense. He was named the A-10 Defensive Player of the Year in 2004-2005 and averaged 2.36 blocks each game of his collegiate career. Jones wore the dreaded red-shirt his freshman season so he’s only considered a junior academically. Jones has very little reason to return for his senior season in Philly. However, if he can bring a portion of the defensive prowess that the showed in Atlantic 10 play, he very well could find himself a valuable part of the rotation. Since the days of Dean Garrett, Marc Jackson, Rasho Nesterovic et al, the Timberwolves have been searching for a defensive compliment to K.Garnett Garnett is active on both sides of the floor; he’s a valuable on the ball and off the ball defender.Yet he has been limited by the slow footed passive center that he had been paired with. One of the Timberwolves most consistent players to fill the center position in the last two seasons was Mark Madsen. Mark Madsen is not a center. He doesn’t have the height, the natural ability to be a dominant force in the NBA, but he was more affective than the Timberwolves other options because he was active. He hustled for loose balls, challenged the opposing team and simply annoyed the heck out of whomever he was guarding. If Dwayne Jones can give the Timberwolves the same activity that Madsen has he will have a place on the team. If he can use his physical gifts, and provide opposing teams another shot blocker to fear in the lane, he should fit in perfectly next to Garnett. Jones has the ability to be the hardworking, defensive minded lieutenant for Garnett. Bringing in a youthful, energetic, hardworking big man with potential is certainly worth risking a couple million dollars. The potential payoff could be far greater -- ▂▃▃▃▂ █◣ ◣ ◢███◣ █ ◢ ◢◤\◥◣ ▉▉▉▉▉◢██◢◤██ ▁▁ █▇█ ˍ◢◤\╴ ██ˍˍ██ ◢██◤█◣◢█◤ ◥◤ ▇▆█▇ ╱▇▇▇◣ ██████ ◥██ ◥█◥███◣ ◢█──◥▇█▇◤ ██皿皿██ http://www.wretch.cc/album/piumage ◥██▌╱▇▇▇◣ ◥███◤ 來相本留悄悄話 發批幣2000P (記得要留ID) _▂▂██▇◤ --

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