Timberwolves 板


: 7th July, 2005 - 10:03 pm : Minneapolis Star-Tribune - : Free-agent forward Eddie Griffin was in jail Thursday for violating his : probation, a court official said. 一名法院行政人員說”自由球員Eddie Griffin 因為違反緩刑期間事項而在星期四 受到拘禁" : Griffin, on probation after pleading guilty in a 2003 assault case, was listed : as a witness in a disturbance at a club in Houston on Wednesday, state district : court coordinator Virginia Cerda said. "Groffin,因為2003年的一起攻擊事件裁定有罪而服緩刑中,於星期三休士頓的一件俱 樂部騷動中被列為目擊者"行政區法院調整者(這職位是隨便翻的)Virginia Cerda這麼說 : It was a violation of his probation because he was : "consorting with disreputable people''at a compromising time of day, Cerda said Cerda說”這違反他的緩刑因為他「結交聲譽不好的人」在妥協(應該是指緩刑) 的期間 : Griffin's attorney, Rusty Harbin, said Griffin went to a nightclub to pick up a : friend and an altercation broke out.Griffin was not involved in the altercation : and was not drinking at the time, according to Harbin and a police report that : listed Griffin as a witness. Griffin的律師,Rusty Harbin說"Griffin去夜店結交朋友而突然發生一起爭執, Griffin並沒有參與爭執當中,而且他當時也沒有喝酒"根據Harbin和警方的說法 將Griffin列為目擊證人 : "Eddie has made a lot of mistakes and Eddie has had a lot of problems in his : life, but this is not something he created at all,'' Harbin said. "Eddie在他的人生當中犯下不少錯誤,也製造了不少問題,但這件事情絕對不是 他製造的"Harbin說 : Harbin said that Griffin was being harassed by two men who were arrested at the : scene. Harbin說,現場被逮捕的兩人使得Griffin煩惱不已 : "He's a great kid, totally still under control, and is going to make somebody a : great ball player,'' Harbin said. "他像是一個大孩子,很多事情都還需要控制,而且正努力成為偉大的球員 "Harbin說 : Griffin chose a 15-day sentence for the violation rather than going to a : hearing that could have resulted in a harsher punishment. He was jailed : Wednesday and will get out July 20, a spokeswoman at the Harris County Jail : said Thursday "Griffin為了他的違規選擇了15天的判決,而不是一個可能導致殘酷處罰的審訊. 他在星期三被拘禁,而會在7月20日釋放."一位Harris County監獄的女發言人在 星期四這麼說 -- 有些地方翻的很不好,還請大家多見諒 --

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