Timberwolves 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板] 作者: annachie (..............) 看板: Knicks 標題: Rumor about Garnett 時間: Wed Jul 6 21:48:55 2005 It's time the truth of what has been going on behind the scenes in the NBA was revealed. I have a friend who is relatively high up in the Staples Center who has close connections to the Lakers and the NBA. Last year if you recall my thread, "Shaq to Miami is a done deal" which few believed at the time. Believe me or don't, it makes no difference. There is a bidding war going on for Kevin Garnett. 1. After the last season, Garnett reached his breaking point. Kevin Garnett has demanded one of two things in Minnesota: A team that can contend for the forseeable future with no more major turnover, or he wants out. After seeing how Shaq was able to dictate where and with who he would play when he was traded and his success that followed, Garnett believes he can do something similar. This is the reason you see teams making strange moves, like the Lakers drafting Bynum and the Knicks trading for Q-Rich. They are stocking on talent to try to deal for Garnett. This is the main reason why the rumor mill has been quiet, the entire league is waiting to see what happens with Garnett. 2. After the past season, Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor was fed up with pouring money into a franchise that has had to nothing but bad luck. First the Joe Smith fiasco, and now the Cassell/Sprewell ordeal. After a decade of trying to get somewhere with Garnett, the cap restraints and lack of roster manueverability has led him to believe that it's time to start over while Garnett can still fetch something decent in return as he is in his prime. He also wants to make a move for the Vikings and is looking to save money where he can for his bid/running of the team. 3. Garnett's initial list of teams he would be content with was: Cleveland, New York, Lakers, Chicago, Philadelphia. Minnesota contacted these teams first so people assumed this was his list. Garnett is appreciative of the Wolves organization and thus never made his demands public, because he wants to give the Wolves a chance to either fix the situation, or get a good deal for him. The majority of the teams are in the East, because the Wolves would rather have Garnett there for obvious reasons. Garnett's teams all have one major thing in common: They are not in a winning situation and he would not necessarily be percieved as going to a ready-made "easy" ring. Minnesota is demanding: Young talent, draft picks, and cap flexibility. Along with Garnett, whichever team takes him has to take either Hudson, Szczerbiak, or both of them as well because of their contracts. Cleveland: They are not banking on Garnett because they don't necessarily have the assets to get a deal done. The players they get in free agency could however be the core of a package for him. Don't know much about what's going on here. New York: Garnett would love to play with Marbury again in the bright lights of NY. New York has some talent and expiring deals(Crawford, Frye, Thomas etc.) and could retain some solid players around Marbury and Garnett. Word has it that Minnesota tried to counter by offering a deal for Marbury but Isiah felt they had invested too much into him to give him away for what the Wolves were offering(Expiring deals, and/or supposedly Wally). Talks have cooled here somewhat according to my friend because of the counter proposals. Chicago: Garnett went to high school here and likes the talent. Minnesota supposedly is demanding one of their big men(Curry or Chandler re-signed), Deng or Niocini, and one of their guards(Hinrich or Gordon) along with some combination of picks. Chicago would love to get Garnett like everyone else, but Garnett is 29 and they are hedging on whether they want to give up so much young talent for him. Philadelphia. Iverson and a big market. Philly has some interesting peices(Dalembert and Iggy) but I don't know much about what has been discussed with them. Lakers: I know the most abou these discussions because my friend is most closely connected here. They are a West team but Garnett is pushing heavily for them along with NY and Chicago because he and Kobe want to play with each other(They like each others work ethic and passion for basketball, and Kobe feels KG is one of the few superstars that doesn't resent him because of how his career has gone). Wolves won't take Brian Grants contract. Lakers core package consists of Odom, Bynum, roleplayers with expiring deals(Mihm, George, Atkins etc.) and multiple future draft picks. They will not part with Butler if they have to give up Odom because many feel Butler is on the cusp of being an All-Star and has a good friendship and chemistry with Kobe. They also think Kobe, Butler, KG is a better fit than having Odom and KG on the same team. Again, problem is LA is in the West and McHale does not want to deal with LA, but supposedly the Lakers have talked with Minnesota's GM Stack directly. Word is Taylor overrode McHale because he just wants a good deal while making Garnett happy(Taylor and KG think highly of each other). Recently, the Nets and Indiana(I think Bird and McHale's connection makes this a real possibility) have made pushes. Indiana is offering JO, Granger, some of their bigger deals to even salaries(Croshere, Bender etc.) and picks. Jersey is supposedly offering BOTH Jefferson and Carter, but people are not sure how Carter would respond to a situation where he might not be able to win in Minnesota without Garnett. I heard some things about Boston(Same situation as Chicago, contend with Pierce and Garnett but they would have to give up tons of their young talent) and Orlando(Minny demanded Dwight as the core of a package, Orlando said no.) but I don't think talks are serious there. Teams are supposedly getting impatient and while they have been quiet on this issue(to keep the hype down and negotiate in peace and good faith) info could start leaking soon with the draft over and FA beginning. I'm not sure any of the deals outside of the LA one are 100% accurate. Believe me or don't but the offseason is going to be CRAZY. from http://www.realgm.com 如此 我猜最有機會的是 kg + sze..... for tim/crawford + sweetny/frye + penny 恩 總之 只是個連rumor都不是的rumor --

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