Timberwolves 板


--------------------------------- 翻得不好... 請見諒... --------------------------------- Timberwolves Re-Sign General Manager Jim Stack to Contract Extension 灰狼與總經理Jim Stack簽下了延長合約 Minnesota Timberwolves Vice President of Basketball Operations Kevin McHale today announced the NBA club has re-signed General Manager Jim Stack to a contract extension. Per team policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed. 今天明尼蘇達灰狼隊的籃球營運部副總裁Kevin McHale 宣布已經跟總經理Jim Stack簽下了延長合約。根據球團 的策略,不會公佈合約內容。 "We're extremely pleased to have Jim remain with the Timberwolves family," said McHale. "Along with hiring a new head coach, re-signing Jim was one of our top priorities this offseason. We have a tremendous working relationship and he is a valuable member of our front office. Jim's 20-plus years in professional basketball and knowledge of the game are invaluable." McHale說:「我們非常高興能讓JIim繼續留在灰狼這個 家庭裡。」「除了尋找一個新的總教練外,跟Jim重新簽 約是我們季後最要緊的事情之一,我們有著很好的工作 關係,而且他是我們行政管理部門中可貴的成員。Jim 在職業籃球中已經打滾了20多年了,而且他對於比賽的 理解是無價的。」 "I'm excited to remain a part of Timberwolves organization," said Stack. "I'm looking forward to the upcoming season and helping to get our team back in the playoffs." Stack說:「能留在灰狼隊令我非常興奮,我很期待即將 來臨的球季,而我將會盡全力讓我們重返季後賽。」 Stack, who was originally hired as the Timberwolves General Manager on July 9, 2004, is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations in the Timberwolves basketball department. These responsibilities include scouting, contract negotiations, player analysis, salary cap analysis and free agent scouting. Additionally, Stack works closely with McHale in all player personnel decisions. Stack一開始是在2004年7月9日時被雇用成灰狼的總經理, 他的責任就是日覆一日地監管灰狼隊籃球部門的營運。 這些責任包括了偵察、合約談判、球員分析、薪資上限分析 和自由球員的偵察。另外,他和McHale所有球員人員的決定 有著密切的合作。 "Jim has been a valuable part of our team over the past year, and we're excited that he will be returning," said Timberwolves CEO Rob Moor. "With Jim and Dwane, Kevin has built a solid core for our basketball operations department for many years to come." 灰狼的首席執行官Rob Moor說:「Jim是過去一年我們球隊 最可貴的一部分,我們很興奮他將會回來灰狼。」「有著 Jim、Dwane、Kevin,已經為我們籃球營運部門在未來的幾 年建立堅實的核心。」 The 2004-05 NBA season, Stack's first with the Timberwolves, marked his 23rd year of professional basketball experience as a player and front office executive. Prior to joining the Wolves, Stack had served in the basketball operations departments of the Chicago Bulls, Indiana Pacers and New York Knicks. Stack spent the 2003-04 campaign as an advance scout with the Knicks. Before his stint in New York, Stack spent three years as an assistant coach with the Pacers, beginning with the 2000-01 season. 2004~2005的球季,是Stack第一次為灰狼效命,這是他當一 個球員和行政管理執行者的第23年經驗。在加入灰狼之前, Stack已經在芝加哥公牛隊、印第安那溜馬隊和紐約尼克隊中 效力於籃球營運部門了,他在2003~2004的球季擔任尼克隊的 球探。在他加入尼克之前,他從2000~2001的球季開始,就在 溜馬隊花了三年的時間擔任助理教練。 During Stack's 13-year tenure with Chicago, the team won six NBA titles and established a record for most wins in a season, with 72 regular-season wins in 1995-96. Stack last served as the Assistant Vice President of Basketball Operations for the Bulls for four years after being promoted from his previous job as Special Assistant to the Vice President of Basketball Operations, where he spent eight years. As the Special Assistant, his duties included scouting on all levels, contract negotiations and analysis. Stack played an active role in the acquisition of every Bulls player, and his duties also included free agent scouting and all playoff advance scouting. Stack began as a scout with the Bulls organization prior to the 1988-89 campaign. 在13年與芝加哥的合作裡,這支球隊贏得了六次NBA總冠軍, 而且建立的在一個球季當中最多勝的紀錄──他們在1995~1996 贏了72場例行賽。Stack在公牛隊最後的四年是擔任籃球營運部 門副總裁助理,在晉升成籃球營運部門副總裁助理之前,他原 先的工作是籃球營運部門副總裁特別助理,這份工作他效力了 八年。當特別助理,他的責任包括了偵察所有的等級,和合約 的談判與分析,在每個公牛隊球員的簽訂獲得上,Stack扮演 著活躍的角色。而他的責任也包括自由球員的偵察,以及季 後賽晉升的偵查。Stack是在1988~1989就開始為公牛隊擔任 偵查的工作。 Upon his 1983 graduation from Northwestern University, Stack was drafted by the Houston Rockets in the sixth round (117th overall) in the 1983 NBA Draft. He spent five years playing professionally with teams in Belgium, Israel and France. 在1983年從西北大學畢業後,Stack在1983年的選秀被 休士頓火箭隊在第六輪〈第117位〉,他花了六年的時間 在比利時、以色列、法國的職業球隊打球。 tt.cc) ◆ From:

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