Timberwolves 板


http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/2897412 Griffin smiling with second chance Veteran Wolves support ex-Rocket in return to NBA By MEGAN MANFULL Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle Former Rockets forward now with the Timberwolves There's one little detail Minnesota coach Flip Saunders searches for every day in practice when he sees Eddie Griffin. No words have to be spoken, no drills executed. Saunders only wants to see a smile. "The most positive thing is that when we've come to practice and seen him, he's had a smile on his face," Saunders said. "I think that's the first step towards him becoming a player that can really help us, when he starts feeling good about himself." Griffin, who spent the first two years of his career with the Rockets, has battled legal problems and drug and alcohol abuse ever since he was drafted in the first round of the 2001 NBA draft by the New Jersey Nets. He is now trying to put that behind him, and the Timberwolves have been eager to help. Thursday night he returned to Toyota Center for the first time since he was waived last fall and received a few boos each time he touched the ball. On the night of the 2001 draft, the Rockets traded Richard Jefferson, Jason Collins and Brandon Armstrong for the rights to Griffin, who never lived up to expectations in Houston. But he returned looking strong in the T-Wolves' 96-91 victory over the Rockets. Griffin played impressive defense, especially when fronting Yao Ming. He also had 11 points, seven rebounds and one block in 24 minutes. "I expected the boos," Griffin said. "It didn't bother me. It just made me play harder." Griffin didn't play in a game last season despite splitting time with the Rockets and Nets, but he already has found a place for himself in the T-Wolves' locker room and as a valuable reserve on the court. His long-time friend Sam Cassell has embraced the chance to help Griffin get his life in order, as have Kevin Garnett and Latrell Sprewell. "You've got a guy like Kevin Garnett who comes and takes Eddie Griffin by the arm and says, 'I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I'm going to lead by example on how to become a professional athlete,' " Cassell said. "You've got myself, Kevin, Spree saying, 'What happened in Houston is gone. We're not going to judge you by your past. We're out to win a championship, and we think you're a piece that can help us get to that point. So come on with us, brother.' " Griffin is trying to follow their lead by putting his life together off the court and win his continuing battle with alcoholism. On the court, he is trying to thank them by working hard. He has shot the ball well in his two appearances and also been a threat in the post with his shot-blocking ability. "I'm feeling good," Griffin said. "It felt real good just to be able to be back out there playing basketball with a good team. We have a chance to win. I'm just excited about it." In Griffin's first two seasons with the Rockets, he averaged 8.7 points, 5.8 rebounds and 1.6 blocks per game. After he was suspended and eventually waived by the Rockets last season, he joined the Nets but never appeared in a game. When he joined the T-Wolves this season, he was suspended for the first three games by the NBA for pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of assault. But the organization is trying to help Griffin move forward. -- 湖人版主王小豬 高大又帥氣。才氣人氣兼備。人品球品俱佳。 有擋頭擱乒乓叫。 徵辣妹數名。 意者請回我的信箱。 --

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