Tennis 板


Stefan Edberg - The perfect gentelman Stefan Edberg ends his career after 14 years of pro tennis, and winning 41 singles titles and 17 doubles titles. Edberg has always been unpredictable. But he will not try to make a come back like other players. He packed his bags and went quietly into the night, never to return again. Stefan Edberg -完美的網壇紳士 在他14年的職網生涯,共有41座單打錦標與17座雙打錦標 Here are some facts about Stefan the only player to have won a junior grans slam, in 1983. the one of two players to be ranked number one in singles and doubles (besides John McEnroe ) finished the year in top 5 for 9 consecutive years. won tournaments on all four surfaces: carpet, clay, grass and hard. records 54 consecutive grand slams appearances. won at least 1 tournament since 1984. reached at least quarter finals in Australian open since 1984.(except in 1996) won the sportmanship award for 5 years, and now it'll be named after him. - Stefn Edberg Sportsmanship Award. This is an incredible honor, and proves that he WILL be remembered for what he considered to be as important as being a great competitor--for being a great sportsman. 他是唯一一位完成「年度大滿貫」的青少年球員,在1983年。 也是除了McEnore以外,唯一在單打與雙打同時排名世界第一的球員,並連續9年維持在前5 名 他擁有所有不同場地的錦標:地毯、紅土、草地與硬地。 連續出賽四大賽有54次。 自1984年後每年至少都贏得一座錦標。(連續12年) 自1984年後(除了1996年)在澳網都至少打進到四強 連續5年贏得運動精神獎、今日以他的名字命名該獎- 「Stefn Edberg Sportsmanship Award」~這真是個難以相信的榮譽,證明了他將永遠 被人懷念~他是偉大的競賽者、偉大的運動員。 Name Stefan Edberg Birthplace Vastervik, Sweden   Nationality Swedish 瑞典 Married Vaxjo, Sweden 18-04-1992 Daughter Emilie Victoria Edberg Born London England 14-07-1993 Son Christopher Edberg Born London, England 28-02-96 Titles won 41 Grand Slams won~男單6座大滿貫、男雙3座大滿貫 1996 Australian open doubles with Petr Korda 1992 United States Open 1991 United States Open 1990 Wimblendon 1988 Wimblendon 1987 Australian Open 1987 Australian Open Doubles with Anders Jarryd 1987 United States Open Doubles with Anders Jarryd Australian Open Special Wins 1989 Masters 1988 Olympics bronze medal singles 1988 olympics bronze medal doubles with Anders Jarryd 1986 Masters doubles with Anders Jarryd 1985 Masters doubles with Anders Jarryd 1984 Olympics Gold Medal -------------------------------------青少年年度大滿貫 1983 French Open Junior 1983 Wimblendon Open Junior 1983 United States Open Junior 1983 Australian Open Junior 1983 Grans Slam Junior No 1 Ranking 72 weeks 13-08-1990 to 27-01-1991 18-02-1991 to 07-07-1991 09-09-1991 to 09-02-1992 23-03-1992 to 12-04-1992 14-09-1992 to 04-10-1992 -- When I first came on the tour Stefan Edberg was so nice to me. . . . he was such a nice guy. Such a class act. When parents are looking for a role model, I think Stefan Edberg is THE role model." --Pete Sampras 當我第一次參加巡迴賽,Stefan Edberg對我非常友善。 他是如此美好的人、如此優雅。 當(孩子們的)父母期待一個模範,我想Stefan Edberg正是真正的典範-Pete Sampras --

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