Tech_Job 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1WOpo1qB ] 作者: freetempo (T3MPO) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] 偀向Wearisma徵資深全端工程師(80~120k) 時間: Tue Mar 30 22:58:06 2021 公司名稱,統編: Wearisma Taiwan 偀向軟體有限公司 (64219643) 職缺網頁: 公司網站: 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市中正區重慶南路一段119號 The Hive (近台北車站、台大醫院捷運站) 職缺: 資深全端工程師(Senior Full-Stack Developer) x 2 * Note: It's not necessary to have full-stack skills to apply for the role. If you have at least one professional programming language and are happy to learn new languages and frameworks, please continue to read full details below. Currently, the loading of backend and frontend tasks is about 80% and 20%. 職缺能力經歷要求: [基本條件] - 5+ years working experience as software developer writing production code in ANY ONE of languages listed here: Ruby, Python, Javascript, Java, C# or C++, and happy to learn new languages and frameworks - Good analytics, problem-solving and decision-making skills - Good communication skills and conversational English - Good understanding of algorithms and data structures - Ability to manage cross-team coordinations and work closely with product manager - Ability to complete high quality work on time and care a lot of coding quality [加分條件] - Experience working on software development projects using languages such as Ruby, Javascript, Java, C#, C++, Python - Experience document-oriented databases - Experience working with Agile approaches - Experience building beautiful front-end with HTML5 and CSS3 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否。員工均配Mac筆電 薪資(月薪): TWD 80,000 - TWD 120,000 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 保證年薪 12個月,年終2 ~ 3個月 年終獎金計算方式: 全薪計算 工時: - 每日工作時間: 週一至週五 11:00AM - 7:00PM (午休1HR時間彈性) - 每周工作時間: 7 * 5 = 35 (小時) 加班費制度: 基本上不需加班,如需加班則比照勞基法 公司介紹: Wearisma是充滿前瞻性且步調快速的英國新創公司,產品行銷於全球,服務客戶 包含Gucci, YSL, NARS, Clarins, H&M等,並為英國ScienceMagic Inc, 日本電通等 媒體集團之合作夥伴,亞太客戶目前有台灣、日本、香港、泰國、韓國等地。 現今倫敦總部與台北的亞太區辦公室都在擴大徵才中。目前倫敦和台北總共有20位同 事們,都來自世界各國,是一個合作很密切的小團隊,沒有太多的階級架構,每年會 一起到英國總部和總部團隊一起工作和聚會。技術部門目前有四位全端工程師,歡迎 喜歡多方學習挑戰,樂於分享點子且喜愛程式的你加入!:) 工作內容: - Design, develop and maintain features - Write clean and efficient code covered by unit and BDD tests - Participate in code reviews - Integrate a wide range of APIs with our platform and build features on top of them - Build and maintain scalable services and assure performance optimization - Big data analysis and machine learning processing pipelines - Work in an agile environment 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: We currently develop our services using Ruby, Python, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3 and MongoDB. As our data and services are growing massively, (we have 1M+ influencers with in-depth insights and sync large amounts of data!), we are working on building scalable services, exciting new features and improving our user experience all in the meantime! We love to work with developers who can embrace uncertainty and love to participate in product discussion. You will work both independently and in the team to design, develop product features, data models, algorithms and create user interfaces and journeys. 工作福利: - 每年一次英國總部聚會(機票住宿補助),外加英國或歐洲其他城市旅遊 (2020因疫情狀況暫緩) - 第一年15天的特休,每年加一天 - 年終獎金 - 充滿創造力與活力的共同工作空間 - WFH Friday! - 公司團隊活動及聚餐 :) 人資或徵才聯絡方式: 請將履歷寄至 [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 sean7967: 主管正>< 03/30 23:01
2F:推 kuokuo321: 推~ 03/30 23:08
3F:推 lwlt1995: 看起來挺不錯的 03/30 23:13
4F:推 Martin23: 每年去一次英國有點讚,雖然現在疫情XD 03/30 23:23

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
※ 轉錄者: freetempo ( 臺灣), 03/30/2021 23:26:20
5F:推 claymath: 主管照片啊(誤 03/31 00:11
6F:→ shooter555: 圖呢 03/31 10:15
7F:推 AirLee: 圖勒 03/31 12:19
8F:推 wangshichen: 感覺不賴 04/01 01:23

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