Tech_Job 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1PdRaPbP ] 作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] 新加坡 Vault Dragon 徵(全端)軟體工程師 時間: Thu Aug 24 01:19:16 2017 [公司名稱] Vault Dragon Pte Ltd [公司地址] 615 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319516 [公司網址] [職缺及待遇] 1. Software Engineer 4,500 - 7,000 SGD/mth* *此一薪資直接換算台幣約10萬到15萬,但新加坡物價較高, 該薪資在新加坡的消費力,約等於在台北的7萬到10萬台幣。 建議在台北月薪有5萬、6萬以上,具備英語工作能力的工程師 朋友,就可以考慮挑戰! 2. Data Engineer 5,000 - 6,000 SGD/mth [公司簡介] Vault Dragon provides a full suite of electronic medical record (EMR) solution for healthcare institutions, from document pickup, secure physical storage, digitization, a web- based record management portal and a tablet-based annotation app so doctors can continue writing. We also provide a practice management software to clinics in Singapore. Our team has been working with over 60 specialist clinics (paying customers) from 6 private hospitals and 2 medical groups since we launched our products 2 years ago. We have also developed a patient-oriented viewing platform last month, that allows consumers (and their loved ones) to access their health records from any device, wherever and whenever they want to. 創辦人曾淨澤是畢業於NUS(新加坡國立大學)的台灣留學生,記得 和他談論創業時,他告訴我,談過40多家機構、投資人後,才獲得 現在的投資。是一位具備強大堅毅性格的創業者。相關故事: [工作內容] - Develop and scale our practice management system and other cloud based software to the next level - Assist in project deployment and setup of infrastructure at our clients’ location - Support and maintenance of existing application - Be able to prepare APIs and design documentation [應徵條件] - Working knowledge of HTML, CSS and Angular JS - Basic NoSQL (CouchDB) - Competent with UNIX/Server Administration - Some AWS Experience - Knowledge of at least 1 scripting language like Python/Ruby/ PHP - Competent with Git [工作地點] 新加坡總部 [工作時間] 原則上09:00 - 18:00,但時間自由。彈性午休 [加班制度] 比照新加坡相關勞動法規 [應徵方式] 傳送門:;; (mit.Jobs網站上有更完整資訊) [其他資訊與攻略建議] Vault Dragon將參加9/2(週六)由mit.Jobs舉辦的快速面試活動, CEO創辦人曾淨澤會親自到場說明、面試。有興趣者別錯過 「面試老闆」的難得機會! 本文為代發訊息,請不要直接回信應徵。 有違板規懇請告知,會在第一時間修改,感謝! == 林昶聿 創辦人及開發者 mit.Jobs跨境求職網站 --

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※ 轉錄者: dolinian (, 08/24/2017 01:21:56

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