TamShui 板


※ [本文轉錄自 TKU_Talk 看板] 作者: CHARLIM (當你猶豫時,請相信自己!) 看板: TKU_Talk 標題: [徵屋] 淡大財庫轉租 時間: Sat Apr 11 06:31:52 2009 ~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~TKU_Talk淡江脫殼情報~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~ 地 點 淡大財庫 房屋形式 套房,無敵海景套房(11樓) 價 位 8000/月 水電自付 其它補充 若要租停車位 機車每月200 汽車每月1000 我幫我鄰居,來自加拿大交換學生的DAVID(中文名字:幕大維)徵房客 由於他五月初就要回加拿大參加多倫多大學的畢業典禮,房租雖然到八月底 也不得不轉租其他人,所以來這裡徵求有需要海景套房的朋友 我真的推那間的海景,坪數又大,住起來相當舒適。不信可參觀。 轉貼 淡水個人套房轉租(電話:0988234782 David) 地點:淡水鎮捷運站步行約10分鐘─淡大財庫 租期:2009/5/9-2009/8/31,若您想租更久可以再續一年約 租金:8000/月 附贈配備 飛利浦電熱水爐(3000) LG微波爐(2000) 沙發 兩個紅酒杯與勝利酒杯 原文AD Studio for Rent to fill in for leaving tenant CONTACT: 0988234782 (or TXT if No reply) Location: Danshui Town, Danshui MRT Station. Distance from MRT: 10 Minute walk UPHILL Building: 4 buildings complex built 2 years ago, gated community with 24/7 Security Room Details: 11th Floor, prime view of Danshui River and mountain, 7 Ping, very bright Studio, everything new, mini kitchen Rent Duration: May 9 to August 31. If you decide to stay longer you can renew the contract (based on 1 year tenancy) Cost: 8000 NT monthly payable for May, June, July and August, Plus 2 month deposit (16,000) that will be refunded by management office on August 31 Details: I am leaving back home, so I need somebody to continue living in my house (I want to get my deposit back). 8000 plus deposit is FIRM OFFER. BUT to make this offer worthwhile I am leaving EVERYTHING in my apartment. The original apartment comes with mini fridge, tv, sofa, coffee table and bed (QUEEN SIZE). These must stay, but other items that I bought are yours to keep. These are (with prices for reference) Items as a gift: LG microwave (2000) Phillips hot Plate (3000) Soft Foam Mattress (apparently material is used by NASA! So, sleep safe, 5000) Phillips Blender (impress the loved one, NT 1500) Beat Up 20 Kg luggage suit case Lots of plates, cooking pans, and microwave containers 2 German wine glasses and 2 champagne glasses (2000) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ CHARLIM:DAVID中文口說流利,可直接中文交談~ 04/11 06:33

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
2F:推 LovePanPan:莫非你就是等你喔^.< 04/11 20:26

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