TakeThat 板


來源:官網 "Said It All" will be out to buy on 15th June and there are some great formats available. The 2-track CD will have the brilliant new extra song"Throwing Stones’ on it, which is definitely a must-have for any Take That collection. What’s more, Play.com are also offering two additional exclusive formats, both with different sleeves – and if you buy all three, you’ll also receive a special commemorative slip case, available for a limited time only. Head to www.play.com/takethat right now to order your copies – just click on one of the formats to take advantage of the special offer. ‘Said It All’將會在6月15日發行, 而且有其他規格可選擇。兩首歌曲CD版本 有額外新歌Throwing Stones’ ,絕對值得收藏的TT歌曲。還有 Play.com也另 外兩個特別版本,有不同內容,如果妳一次購買三種版本,如在限定時間內訂購 將會有特別紀念版套。現在快到 www.play.com/takethat 預購,馬上購買其中 任一版本是有特別優惠。 2 Track CD 1 Said It All 2 Throwing Stones 購買:http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/9834262/Said-It-All/Product.html# 封面:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/db15040e.jpg
Maxi CD 1 Said It All 2 Rule The World (live) 3 Julie (live) 購買:http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/10165039/Said-It-All/Product.html# 封面:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/d33172d2.jpg
DVD 1 Said It All (video) 2 Said It All (making of the video) 購買:http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/10165041/Said-It-All/Product.html# 封面:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/07327f9e.jpg
哇!居然一口氣出了三種版本,荷包要大失血,真想聽‘Throwing Stones ,不知是誰唱?而且也想看Said It All單曲MV幕後製作花序啦~~~三種版本有 三種不同封面真是有誠意阿!三種封面我都很喜歡!^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 報紙報導:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/d94cf5ef.jpg 壯觀貨車隊
哇!大家看看報紙上面的照片,那貨車隊真的非常壯觀,記得上次Beautiful World巡迴演唱會的舞台設備就需要21輛貨車來運輸了,而這次The Circus英國 巡迴演唱會場地是以體育場為主,TT舞台設計通常為了與歌迷近距離接觸,雙 舞台設計幾乎都成為必備了,可想而知這次舞台會多麼的大!看來比上次多將近 一倍貨車來運輸是非常有可能的!真的期待這次演唱會會有怎樣的設計巧思呢 ?我想Jay獨唱也一定會的囉!該不會讓他們走繩索吊鋼絲吧?!哈哈~ 要去英國看演唱會版友們準備好了嗎?!等你們實況報導喔! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 來源:官網 Get your Take That I-Tunes Pass! 預告片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8heKUiojOPE
"Today sees the launch of the 'Take That The Circus Live: iTunes Pass' , an incredible digital package that gives you amazing behind-the- scenes access to the band. You'll be able to get your hands on exclusive live recordings,dedicated video footage, bonus material and interviews with Take That as they head out on their UK tour this summer. The downloads will be available in twelve instalments over six weeks, all for a one-off payment of £4.99. Most of the content will be created 'live' as the tour unfolds, so everyone who signs up can expect backstage footage from each city on the Circus tour, interviews with Gary, Mark, Jason and Howard, three live audio tracks from the tour mixing desk including the single 'Said It All' as well as a PDF souvenir booklet. All of this will be totally exclusive to pass holders. What's more, the first 8,000 to sign up will be able to apply for a laminate with a unique code that allows you to download an additional Take That song. You can buy the pass right now from www.itunes.com/takethatpass, where you'll currently find an introductory trailer from the band. The first exclusive instalment will be sent out directly to you via the iTunes store on 6th June, the day after the first date of their record breaking UK stadium tour that will see the band play to over a million people. The rest will be rolled out over the next few weeks, with the last download arriving shortly after the final show at Wembley Stadium in July **Thanks for all your comments and feedback regarding The Circus Live: iTunes Pass. At the moment iTunes can unfortunately only make the pass available in the UK for technical reasons. We realise this is a real disappointment for non-UK fans and we’re sorry that you can’t be included at the moment. We are really keen to make this available to fans across the world and are currently talking to iTunes about the best way to do this. We’ll keep you posted.** 感謝大家對於The Circus Live:iTunes Pass.的回應及回饋意見。不幸的是此 iTunes活動因為技術面問題,只能適用於英國。我們明瞭對非英國歌迷來說是 很失望訊息。對此感到很抱歉。我們真的希望能夠適用全世界歌迷,也正在和 iTunes討論最佳方式。我們會持續最新消息。 --

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1F:推 haageha:挖哇!!封面都好棒唷 >///< 05/30 19:12
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (05/31 01:39)

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