TakeThat 板


Take That have announced a huge stadium tour of the UK on the Chris Moyles Show. The biggest pop band in the UK will get to perform to over half a million people next summer! Radio 1 and The Chris Moyles Show will be at one of the gigs over the summer, and there will also be a Take That special with live music from the tour. Here are the dates: 2009 Fri 05 June - Sunderland Stadium of Light(加場) Sat 06 June - Sunderland Stadium of Light Sat 13 June - Duclin Croke Park(加場) Tue 16 June - Cardiff Millennium Stadium Fri 19 June - Glasgow Hampden Park(加場) Sat 20 June - Glasgow Hampden Park Tue 23 June - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground(加場) Wen 24 June - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground(加場) Fri 26 June - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground Sat 27 June - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground Sun 28 June - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground Wen 1 July - Wembley Stadium(加場) Fri 3 July - Wembley Stadium Sat 4 July - Wembley Stadium Sun 5 July - Wembley Stadium(加場) Tickets will be available from 9am on Friday morning from the following outlets:←2008.10.31PM5:00開賣(台灣時間?現在還有日光節約嗎) 要衝2009英國夏季演唱會者~注意囉 票價:£45 £55(英鎊跌到5x...便宜阿~) www.gigsandtours.com - 0871 2200 260 www.ticketmaster.co.uk - 0844 277 9000 www.ticketline.co.uk - 0871 424 4444 ********************************************************************* Take That ticket rush 來源:BBC 新聞 2008.10.31 影片:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7702519.stm 呼~搶票阿~某位男歌迷:我不是Gay,但我迷戀Gary Barlow..... ********************************************************************* Gary Barlow on Home Time 2008.10.31 Century Radio 訪問: http://www.centuryradionorthwest.co.uk/player/1072/listen-again/kdfklf39/ Gary爸說他會上官網的討論區看大家的討論留言喔!!!知道很多人抱怨買不 到票之類等等,所以加場。 ********************************************************************** Take That lead music ticket boom 2008.10.31 節錄來源:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7701987.stm Big name bands like Take That and Oasis are leading a boom in gig ticket sales, with UK stadium shows selling in record time despite the credit crunch. Take That are expected to sell 700,000 tickets on Friday for their 2009 tour, a week after 500,000 tickets to see Oasis were snapped up in six hours. Take That's promoters SJM said the pop band's tour was the fastest- selling in UK history. "It's totally unprecedented," SJM managing director Simon Moran told BBC News. "In times of economic downturn, to sell £35m of tickets in one day for a tour is good for the economy, I would have thought," he said. Tickets for their 14 stadium shows - including four nights at Wembley Stadium - cost between £45 and £65 each. By 1530 GMT, only five of the dates had tickets left. According to SJM, the record of fastest-selling tour was only broken a week ago by Oasis, another of their bands. "Both artists are just very popular and careful with the ticket price," Mr Moran said. 重點:Take That 此次2009英國巡迴演唱會是史上售票速度最快。 Oasis才用不到6小時賣完500,000票,一星期後,Take That就打破此紀錄 。不到5小時已賣光600,000 票。 TT也太厲害了,從復出後就不斷創造或打破紀錄!!^^ --

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1F:推 kimuranene:看的我好熱血~~~~~~~~ 10/28 20:47
2F:推 kenji67:羨慕啊!!!! 10/28 20:53
3F:→ Karman:繼續怨念衝不了... T_T~~~(日光節約11月初開始) 10/28 21:16
4F:→ nosweating:去年的經驗真是讓人望之卻步 囧 乖乖等台灣場好了... 10/28 21:26
5F:→ tinarisa:好想再衝一次@_@ 10/28 21:54
6F:→ osga:想再衝一次.但沒辦法.跟K大一樣怨念超深.明年底該輪到台灣吧 10/28 22:14
7F:推 Karman:我可以怨念一下到Madison Garden Square開嗎?XD 10/28 22:27
8F:推 kimuranene:推台灣~~~~ 10/28 22:28
9F:→ osga:莫再說~米國飛英國近..唉~可惜10/31補休假~不然就搶到底阿 10/28 22:32
10F:→ osga:卡門大派你去帶閃照片回來啦~^^~就當作六日旅遊吧~ 10/28 22:40
11F:推 Karman:我那時肯定在台灣..~因為醫生已經幫我掛好明年的回診了XD 10/28 23:11
12F:推 organize:希望再來台灣!!! 10/28 23:11
13F:推 xuyu:有人想去喔?所以本版會有特派記者? 默默希望有亞洲巡迴... 10/28 23:29
14F:→ osga:K大.囧.有人要去嗎?xuyu不要默默.應該大聲讓TT知道快來台灣 10/28 23:33
15F:→ xuyu:我想說有亞洲巡迴就該偷笑了~ 台灣阿...不敢妄想說 呵~XD 10/28 23:36
16F:→ osga:唉~好歹近一點香港好了~^^~還是難道到時咱們衝日本場? 10/28 23:39
17F:推 Karman:要不是被押著回台灣,我一定會再去 T_T 10/28 23:39
18F:→ Karman:日幣貴到一個爆~媽呀 10/28 23:40
19F:推 xuyu:日本場...聽起來不錯! (默默妄想中~) 10/28 23:41
20F:→ Karman:日本會有場刊...~但是師奶更瘋 10/28 23:42
21F:→ osga:現在全球金融貨幣一整個混亂.><.K大就過境英國再回台灣阿^Q^ 10/28 23:42
22F:→ Karman:機票不是這樣買的...(汗) 10/28 23:42
23F:→ xuyu:對阿~ 英鎊現在很便宜XD 10/28 23:43
24F:→ osga:彷彿聽到日本有名師奶們的尖叫聲.0rz.(也陷入幻想中).. 10/28 23:46
25F:→ osga:Gaz爸第一段副歌完後~唱的低低音~好性感喔~(亂入^Q^) 10/29 00:06
26F:→ osga:K大姊版主~時間快到了~你去做特派員如何?!^Q^ 10/31 15:09
27F:推 kimuranene:(妳 給 我 錢 我 就 去) y( ̄︶ ̄)y 強力徵求特派員~~ 10/31 15:13
28F:→ osga:哈哈~突然有種感覺TT會要做有史以來最大的巡迴演唱會(幻想) 10/31 15:19
29F:推 kimuranene:開始賣票了沒~ 10/31 15:30
30F:推 kimuranene:我剛剛去查 日光節約時間到今天耶 那到底是 揪竟... 10/31 15:36
31F:→ kimuranene:這樣看來 是17:00開賣沒錯~ 10/31 15:37
32F:推 kimuranene:好像在當機耶~ 10/31 17:19
33F:→ osga:可怕搶票阿~回想去年搶票的艱辛阿....^^" 10/31 17:28
34F:推 kimuranene:我同學去年在英國倫敦當地搶票也當機 很開心~ 10/31 17:29
35F:推 bigadolf:才去墾丁渡假幾天沒看新聞 居然演唱會開賣了 可惡呀!!! 10/31 21:31
36F:推 xuyu:聽說又加場XD 有興趣的人可以再去看看~~~ 10/31 22:39
37F:推 kimuranene:不專業之有圖有真相 http://0rz.tw/414XF 10/31 22:59
38F:→ osga:沒關係~聽說接下來會有輪到歐洲巡迴~一起去歐洲吧 10/31 23:20
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (11/02 03:46) ※ 編輯: osga 來自: (11/03 02:04)
39F:推 mariana:敲碗~我沒錢去歐洲啦~來台灣啦!!嗚~~~ 11/05 00:41
40F:→ osga:Boyzone明年5.6月會來開演唱會.在UK TOUR前~聲聲呼喚TT(淚) 11/06 10:45
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (11/07 01:22)

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