TakeThat 板


Robbie hints at reunion after secret LA meeting with Gary 新聞出處:http://0rz.tw/6f2WF 影片:http://0rz.tw/562Ot 06/08/2007 On Take That's reunion tour Robbie Williams was replaced with a hologram - but now the man himself could be back for good. Despite repeatedly snubbing requests to join the others, 33-year-old Robbie has given the clearest indication yet that he might have changed his mind. We can exclusively reveal that peace-maker Mark Owen brokered a top-secret meeting between old rivals Gary Barlow and Robbie. The three met for a chat over dinner at the posh Chateau Marmont Hotel in Los Angeles - and got on like a house on fire. A fellow diner tells us:"There was no atmosphere between them. Robbie seemed dead chuffed they were there and gave them both a big hug. The three of them were then deep in conversation all night." With his career currently in freefall, while his former bandmates - including Jason Orange and Howard Donald - are on a roll, Robbie will be seriously pondering whether to take up their latest offer to get back together. A source reveals: "Since Take That split in 1995, Robbie enjoyed the lion's share of fame and success. But lately, things have taken a downward spiral for him while Take That's star has risen again. Robbie will not take any decision lightly but all indications are that he's seriously considering their offer this time around. "Rebuilding his relationship with Gary is an important step in making this happen. Mark was delighted that the two could come together around a table." Amazingly, that meal was only the second time that Gary and Robbie have seen one another in 11 years. When the pair last met at the Conrad Hotel in Chelsea Harbour, West London, last year - in an attempt to end their bitter feud - the atmosphere remained frosty. But the hugs and banter suggests that this time they have buried the hatchet. That'll hopefully put the smile back on Robbie's face after a run of bad luck. On Saturday he was "beyond depressed" after cracking a rib during a rough boxing match, crocking his knee - which will put him out of action with his beloved LA Vale football team for several months - and then getting laid low by a dodgy prawn dinner. If Robbie does go back to the band, he will most likely join Take That on their much hyped autumn tour. Until then Rob, try to stay out of trouble... 感動~果然有小聚~Gaz和Rob真正和解....Marky你這和事佬功勞最大... 可以期待年底巡迴演唱會Rob的參加演出...不過歸隊就不可能... 因為電視訪問中,Gaz這是自從1996之後最棒的聚會,並否認Rob將歸隊... 我想Rob哪有這麼容易讓人猜到他想做啥咧...閃電退出...閃電歸隊...哈哈 --

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