TakeThat 板


Take That cast unveiled 2007.06.07 新聞出處:http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004580002-2007260444,00.html THESE are the five men who hope to relight the fire of Take That fans in the new West End musical. CRAIGE ELS, DEAN CHISNALL, STEPHANE ANELLI, TIM DRIESEN and EATON JAMES beat thousands of others to play the Take That tribute band in the show. Take That are furious that the multimillion-pound extravaganza, Never Forget, will feature their hits. But record label EMI licensed the songs to the musical's producers in 2005. Producer TRISTAN BAKER said:"There is a brilliant chemistry between them. They are all amazing singers. “It’s a shame about Take That’s reaction. They have been involved for a long, long time. “Their songs were licensed from EMI with the permission of Take That. The musical, which opens in Cardiff next month, will feature Take That number one smashes including Relight My Fire, Pray, Back For Good, Babe and Never Forget. The show comes to London in October. 恩~目前似乎是EMI擁有這些歌曲...且看TT如何周旋吧...當利字在中間時 而圖片中間那位穿大衣應該演ROB吧...總之一句話...還是本尊最棒! ********************************************************************** Southampton star picked for Take That role 2007.06.07 新聞出處:http://0rz.tw/632JT HE has already trod the boards as the star of a seventies-based musical , now he is to turn his hand to the biggest band of the nineties. Southampton singer, dancer and actor Stephane Anelli has been picked to play the part of Jason Orange in a new West End production based on the meteoric rise of Take That. Stephane beat off thousands of other hopefuls to secure a part in the p roduction, rehearsals for which are due to start in the next few weeks. The show is then due to premier in Cardiff, before moving on to Glasgow , Stoke, Edinburgh before heading back to London's West End. It is not yet known if the show will come to Southampton. Stephane, 27, had previously played the part of John Travolta in a version of Saturday Night Fever which played to audiences in Southampton's Mayflower Theatre. 容我說一句~這位演員氣質比較像南歐中年男子ㄟ.... Jason可是擁有英國貴族氣質帥氣中年王子...^Q^... --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 nosweating:這個選角真是太微妙了.......= =;; 06/09 15:36
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (06/09 15:46)
2F:推 lwfcl:天啊..完全沒有TT的fu.. 06/09 16:41
3F:推 naif:這些怪怪的人是誰阿~~~(昏@@)哪找來的~~~~ 06/09 21:15
4F:推 kimuranene:我沒有歧視的意味 可是我要說 這比較像是給男性看的 06/11 19:32
5F:→ kimuranene:只是套上TT的名 不舒服 (可參考台灣的VISION MAN雜誌) 06/11 19:33
6F:推 osga:http://0rz.tw/0b2Ls 隨時隨地正港帥氣Jay...^Q^... 06/19 14:33
7F:推 shineyu:^^Jay真的很帥~可以放大那張照片嗎?好想看清楚報上的字喔 06/19 20:16
8F:→ shineyu:請問那是什麼報登的ㄚ? 06/19 20:19
9F:推 osga:不知道哪家報紙~這是歌迷掃瞄分享的~解析度就是如此囉 06/20 16:51
10F:推 nosweating:我想講 相簿中的鬍子MARK 好像猩猩.......= =; 06/20 17:01

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