TakeThat 板


雜誌出處:http://0rz.tw/9f2FO For most men the stomach is the best way to the heart. In Mark Owen's case a little footie goes a long way, Aref Omar discovers. BRITISH singer-songwriter Mark Owen has released three solo albums already but is still best known as a member of the intensely successful 90s boy band Take That. With his charming baby-face looks and shaggy hairdo, he sent girls around the world in a screaming frenzy. Ten years later, girls are beginning to scream again as the 35-year-old multi-millionaire and all-round nice guy got back with his music mates Gary Barlow, Jason Orange and Howard Donald to reform Take That. Robbie Williams is still very much a solo act. With a new album Beautiful World out, hitting the top spot in the UK album and singles charts, the comeback kings are set to take it to the next step. Older and wiser, Take That was also recently voted as the sexiest men in the world in a British magazine poll, beating the likes of George Clooney, Daniel Craig and Johnny Depp. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, Owen kindly obliges to answer, in a rather thick Mancunian twang, questions on love and romance during the group's recent showcase in Taipei. Q: What's your most memorable Valentine moment? Owen: Well, let's see. There's this beautiful hotel called the Witchery in Edinburgh that I took an old girlfriend to about five years ago. It had very lush Victorian-era architecture and decorations. And there was this quaint-looking guest book where a lot of people had left messages for each other. Some had been married for 50 years while others had just met about a year ago. It was very moving and emotional to read about the relationships. Oh, and last year, my fiance took me out for dinner because she thought that I hadn't organised anything, which was very kind of her. While she was out, I gave my friend the keys to our flat and he covered our bed and the bathroom with rose petals. Some nice candles were also lit. So that was neat too. My idea of course. Didn't see it in a film. Q: Care to share any embarrassing moments? Owen: I'll give you one. Back in school, I received a card from a Vicky a few days before Valentine's and got quite excited. I really liked this girl called Vicky and bought a card of my own for her. When I gave her the card, she kind of laughed at me. I'd given it to the wrong Vicky, you see. The one that I liked wasn't interested in me at all. Q: What's your weirdest Valentine's Day gift? Owen: I don't think I've ever received anything weird before. I do remember getting the biggest bunch of roses that I've ever seen in my life at the time back in the 90s. It was huge, about 100 roses that were sent to my house from an Asian fan. I never got anything weird like naked photos or knickers. Well, I wished I had back then but no. Howard used to get some naked photos though. Q: Who's your ideal woman? Owen: Why, my fiance of course. (Actress Emma Ferguson) Q: How would you describe her? Owen: She has a fiery character. She's funny, makes me laugh all the time, and she's sexy. She also laughs at my daft jokes. We've just had a baby together and she's a great mum. If there's one thing that she can't do, it's cook. But that's okay cause I'm the cook in the house. Q: Was it a case of love at first sight? Owen: I believe it was more like lust at first sight. We met through a mutual friend's end of filming party in London. Falling in love took a little bit longer but I was definitely lustin'. It takes time to know someone and over time, I fell for her. Q: What was the turning point then? Owen: I know this is really, really bad and a very male thing to say. We had our friends over and we were watching football and Emma was just as excited watching the game and I thought to myself, "Wow, I love her". She cheers for my teams, and that's love. Q: How easy or hard is it to write love songs? Owen: A love song for me really becomes a love song when your whole heart is in that song. Sometimes, not always, you can just sit down write a love song than if you're really in love. But when you know love, then it's easy to write a love song. Q: Do you consider yourself a romantic? Owen: Well, I can be sometimes but I suppose I'm not every day. I could be more romantic. Q: Theoretical question. If you had to choose a celebrity or personality to share a Valentine's with, who would it be? Owen: Oh no, I'm quite fickle actually. Maybe Natalie Portman. She's great. Also, she's not too tall and I'm really short. So strike out Cameron Diaz and the like. Never met them personally, though but I sat in the same chair as Natalie Portman once. So that's my claim to fame. After my Emma, of course. Q: Spare a couple of useful pickup lines for the blokes? Owen: Just be polite and honest. That's all. The writer's trip to the Take That concert in Taiwan was courtesy of Universal Music. --

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