SuperHeroes 板

LINE Jonathan Majors Dropped by Manager Entertainment 360 Following Domestic Violence Charges Jonathan Majors and his talent manager Entertainment 360 have parted ways, an insider has confirmed to Variety. The development comes three weeks after the “Creed III” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” actor was arrested on charges of assault and harassment in New York in late March. Majors has also been dropped by his former public relations manager, the Lede Company. A source with knowledge of the PR company confirmed that the actor was removed as a client last month. No immediate comment was made available by Entertainment 360 or the Lede Company. The 33-year-old actor was arrested in Manhattan on March 25 and charged with assault and harassment regarding a domestic dispute with a 30-year-old woman. New York police responded to a 911 call, leading to Majors being taken into custody. The unnamed victim was hospitalized with “minor injuries to her head and neck,” according to authorities. Majors’ legal team has denied that the assault took place, alleging that evidence exists that would clear the actor of the charges. “Mr. Majors completely denies assaulting the woman,” Majors’ criminal defense lawyer Priya Chaudhry said in a statement in the week after the arrest. Chaudry also released a series of text messages that were allegedly exchanged between Majors and the 30-year-old woman to further contextualize the situation. Before his arrest, Majors was widely seen as a rising star in Hollywood. The actor earned an Emmy nomination for “Lovecraft Country” and had marquee roles in two spring blockbusters this year, “Creed III” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” His was set to reprise his “Quantumania” role, the villainous multiverse traveler Kang, in future Marvel projects, including “ Avengers: The Kang Dynasty” in the summer of 2025. Additionally, Majors earned critical praise for his performance in “Magazine Dreams,” which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by Searchlight Pictures only days before the actor was arrested. Deadline was first to report the break between Majors and Entertainment 360. 新消息是強納森.梅傑斯被經紀公司與公關公司解僱了 這樣康大概要換人吧.... --

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1F:推 Yatagarasu: 應該是沒救了 04/18 13:31
2F:→ idiotxi: 我已經看到康要重新選角的消息了 04/18 14:19
3F:推 CavendishJr: deadline耶,那可信度很高 04/18 14:50
4F:→ blackone979: 之前不是案情翻轉說他才是被打的那個 怎還會被解約 04/18 16:21
5F:推 neo5277: 要換人囉 04/18 16:36
6F:推 Yatagarasu: 之前那個律師拿出來的證據就被一堆人吐槽了 後面也沒 04/18 17:49
7F:→ Yatagarasu: 進一步的證據出來 04/18 17:50
8F:推 iceryu: NYPD才是最強的 04/18 18:49
9F:推 kpier2: 我不知道他是好康壞康,但顯然是被衝康了 04/18 20:21
10F:推 neo5277: 果然逮捕薩諾斯不是演的 04/18 21:10
11F:推 ewayne: 只能說,不是每個人都有像RDJ那樣的機遇 04/19 00:01
12F:→ CavendishJr: RDJ也是封殺多年才復出啊 04/19 08:27
13F:推 AStigma: RDJ被封殺那麼久,接了一堆奇怪小角色,直到2008才翻身 04/19 09:50
14F:→ AStigma: 欸 04/19 09:50
15F:→ IS5F5566: 家暴應該很難翻身了,可能以後只能拍B級片或A片了。 04/19 10:12
16F:推 NogiHaruka: 今天的新聞是雖然漫威還沒切割,但他被兩部自己參與 04/19 10:54
17F:→ NogiHaruka: 的電影除名了,之後光違約金應該就很難翻身了 04/19 10:54
18F:→ NogiHaruka: 蟻人3數位發行的宣傳也只寫男女主角的名字而已 04/19 10:55
19F:→ blackone979: 現在只希望就算換人也不要再搞什麼多餘的劇情 按照唐 04/19 10:58
20F:→ blackone979: 奇鐸那樣直接上就好 04/19 10:59
21F:推 heavenight: 我覺得真的換角是沒什麼必要交待,黑豹的狀況…比較特 04/19 15:00
22F:→ heavenight: 殊 04/19 15:00
23F:推 s0908744: 要變塞康了... 04/19 16:18
24F:推 wtfconk: 果然NYPD才是最強的,薩諾斯懂 04/19 17:47
25F:→ wtfconk: 如果是日本的話,他戲份應該會被抽掉,就算之後發行的也是 04/19 17:48

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