作者jlblog07 (jlin)
標題Fw: [外絮] LeBron James 登上GQ封面的造型
時間Sat Mar 1 20:53:36 2014
※ [本文轉錄自 Mix_Match 看板 #1J3_gwET ]
作者: nasa73 (啊竹) 看板: Mix_Match
標題: Fw: [外絮] LeBron James 登上GQ封面的造型
時間: Fri Feb 28 10:55:52 2014
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1J3qnI-2 ]
作者: nasa73 (啊竹) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] LeBron James 登上GQ封面的造型
時間: Thu Feb 27 22:31:42 2014
圖文好讀版 :
原文來源 :
The 6 Looks That Made LeBron James the King of NBA Style
六種讓LeBron James成為NBA最佳型男的造型
1. The Dressed-Down(註一)-and-Horsing-Around(註二) Suit
One thing we can all learn from LeBron: There’s swagger
(註三) in simplicity.
A lot of NBA ballers try too hard, but LeBron proves you can take a casually
styled suit to Olympic heights just by donning glasses and pushing up your
1. 隨興和玩耍的西裝造型
證明也可以穿著休閒西裝去Olympic heights(高級飯店),只要載上一副眼鏡還有捲起袖
2. The Multi-millionaire’s Warm-up Jacket
One trademark LeBron move we all should mimic: Every look gets one statement
piece. Doesn’t have to be loud. Should never be zany. In fact, the cleaner
and classic-er the better, like this undeniable leather jacket.
2. 百萬富翁的熱身夾克
3. The Show-Me-the-Hardware Mogul(註四) Suit
If you’re not in touch with your inner CEO—your mogul persona, with the
suit to match—get to work. Jay Z has one. So does LeBron. That’s when you
want strong peak lapels(註五) and a bold business shirt like gingham(註六).
3. "來真的"大人物西裝
時候,你會想要有堅挺的翻領和顯眼的商務襯衫(像是格子狀)。Jay Z有,所以LeBron也
4. A New Spin on the Ol’ Sweater-and-Jeans Trick
Sure, you can end up looking like an Everyman in a sweater and jeans. Or like
a king. Choice is yours. The difference is in the details. The sweater?
Chest-broadening stripes. The jeans? White (because everyone else has on
4. 毛衣和牛仔褲的新花樣
5. A Prep Look(註九) the Other Guys Can’t Pull Off
LeBron knows how to find his own lane, and that goes for colors as much as
drives to the rack. While D-Wade likes primary colors and Westbrook electric
ones, LeBron has his own signature washed-out palette—kinda like the hotels
on South Beach.
5. 別人無法效仿的學院風
6. The No-Days-Off Approach to Loungewear
A trip to the grocery—or a flight on the team jet—doesn’t call for a suit.
But true style heroes never phone in a look. Even LeBron’s sweats have a
meticulously modern fit. That way, even when he’s chilling, LeBron still
posterizes the competition.
6. 天天都要注意形象的睡衣造型
註三:Swagger 時髦、神氣活現
Swaggy[口語],形容時髦的。湖人隊後衛Nick Youn因為私下打扮時髦,外號就是Swaggy
圖、Nick Youn
ex 西河...
http://nbainenglish.blogspot.tw/ 看NBA學英文: 外絮翻譯 詞句解說
http://ppt.cc/APF9 看NBA學英文粉絲頁
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◆ From:
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28F:推 e2167471 :上雜誌≠穿衣好看...時尚審美有時根本莫名其妙 02/27 23:18
29F:→ e2167471 :把臉換成一個不帥路人 你一定覺得他穿得很可笑 02/27 23:19
31F:→ ksk0516 :老大帥多了 02/27 23:23
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34F:推 sky0828 :所以那才是你接觸不到的時尚阿ㄏㄏ 02/27 23:27
35F:推 icou :時尚審美本來很多時候就是玩前衛 不然都帥的人玩就好 02/27 23:27
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41F:→ cpks :難點 光上述就電爆一堆人了 02/28 00:08
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45F:推 pinkygiveme :LBJ究竟是小龐還是詹姆士呢? 02/28 02:09
46F:推 bgp915117 :只好推一樓了 02/28 02:20
47F:噓 cc920404 :鄉民各個比GQ編輯還時尚 呵呵 02/28 04:29
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※ nasa73:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat 02/28 10:53
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: nasa73 (, 時間: 02/28/2014 10:55:52
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: jlblog07 (, 時間: 03/01/2014 20:53:36
51F:推 WhatBlueIs:他穿襯衫肌肉快爆了 03/01 21:46
52F:推 whitestripe:第五張 他沒用窄版領帶遮住的話胸部絕對是爆開 03/01 22:31