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標題: Upstart 宣布擬定私募發行4億2500萬美元的2030年到期可轉換優先票據 來源: business wire 網址: 內文: Upstart Announces Proposed Private Offering of $425,000,000 of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2030 Upstart Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: UPST) today announced its intention to offer, subject to market conditions and other factors, $425,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Convertible Senior Notes due 2030 (the “notes”) in a private offering (the “offering”) to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). Upstart also expects to grant the initial purchasers of the notes an option to purchase, within a 13-day period beginning on, and including, the date the notes are first issued, up to an additional $75,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the notes. The notes will be senior, unsecured obligations of Upstart, and will bear interest payable semi-annually in arrears. The notes will mature on November 15, 2030, unless earlier converted, repurchased or redeemed. The notes will be convertible into cash, shares of Upstart’s common stock, or a combination thereof, at Upstart’s election. The interest rate, initial conversion rate, and other terms of the notes will be determined at the time of pricing of the offering. Upstart intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, which may include the repayment or the retirement of existing debt. The notes will only be offered to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act by means of a private offering memorandum. Neither the notes nor the shares of Upstart’s common stock potentially issuable upon conversion of the notes, if any, have been, or will be, registered under the Securities Act or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction, and unless so registered, may not be offered or sold in the United States, except pursuant to an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This announcement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation, or sale in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale is unlawful. Upstart Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: UPST) 今日宣布其意圖在符合市場條件和其他因素的前提下,於私人發行中提供總計4億2500萬美元的2023年到期的可轉換優先票據(“票據”),並根據《1933年證券法》144A條款,向被合理認為合資格機構買家的人士發行(“發行”)。Upstart 也預期向票據的初始購買者授予選擇權,使其在票據首次發行之日起包含的13天期間內,可額外購買總計至多7500萬美元的票據。 該票據將為Upstart的高級無擔保義務,並將按半年期支付拖欠利息。票據將於2030年11月15日到期,除非提前轉換、回購或贖回。票據可按Upstart的選擇,轉換為現金、Upstart的普通股股票或兩者的組合。票據的利率、初始轉換率及其他條款將於定價時確定。 Upstart 打算將本次發行的淨收益用於一般公司用途,可能包括償還或清償現有債務。 票據僅將向根據《證券法》144A條款合理認為為合資格機構買家的人士發行,通過私人發行備忘錄提供。票據或Upstart普通股的可轉換股票(如有)未在《證券法》或其他司法管轄區的證券法律下註冊,除非註冊,否則不得在美國境內發行或出售,除非根據適用的豁免條款。 本公告既非出售要約亦非購買邀約,也不構成在任何司法管轄區內的要約、邀約或銷售,若此類行為在該司法管轄區屬非法行為。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Vivo V2124. --

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1F:推 yoko2680 : 開割 11/12 21:22
2F:推 junior020486: 難說 11/12 21:26
3F:→ junior020486: 等晚一點看IB能不能出來開示 11/12 21:26
4F:推 EHacker : 之前有看過橡樹資本買過 11/12 21:27
5F:推 g0t24568 : 照大股東炒股邏輯 發可轉債 高檔定價 通常會變飆股 11/12 21:29
6F:推 Cliffx : 開割 11/12 21:29
7F:→ derekhsu : 這不是一般的可轉換公司債 11/12 21:30
8F:→ derekhsu : 第一這是私募對象只有機構 11/12 21:31
9F:→ derekhsu : 第二轉換時可以選擇轉換為現金 11/12 21:32
10F:推 g0t24568 : 轉換現金 就變一般債券了 11/12 21:34
11F:推 ycnzj : GG 11/12 21:35
12F:推 g0t24568 : 定價時間未定有可能先砸盤 11/12 21:42
13F:推 toeic900 : 9月中不是也發行過一次 11/12 21:42
14F:推 z22744388 : 但是美股之前看過的例子是發CB=債務增加、股權稀釋 11/12 21:44
15F:→ z22744388 : 先跌為敬 11/12 21:44
16F:推 ycnzj : 盤前已經表態了 11/12 21:45
17F:推 z22744388 : 不過他9月發的利率2%好低 這次的還沒定價不知道 11/12 21:47
18F:推 jordan5168 : 感覺12月再降一碼 今年就要轉虧為盈了 沒錢發個債也 11/12 21:54
19F:→ shiki1988 : 這個有點算是有條件的融資 如果提早贖回就不會進入 11/12 21:54
20F:→ shiki1988 : 稀釋 不算馬上會發生的稀釋 盤前跌應該是屬於恐慌 11/12 21:54
21F:→ jordan5168 : 沒怎樣 11/12 21:54
22F:推 NCCUexpert : 現在還可以買嗎 11/12 22:16
23F:推 memories66 : 這消息盤前竟然沒崩15%以上 11/12 22:25
24F:推 sugarphone : 崩 11/12 22:43
25F:推 sarspieya521: 救命啊啊啊啊啊 11/12 22:44
26F:推 snoopyoh1224: 關心有無需要協助,問一下點選坐等IB大開示 11/12 22:44
27F:推 jack91315 : 等IB大 11/12 22:55
28F:推 perryppo : 噴2倍了 11/12 23:17
29F:推 alau : 我先跳船了 11/12 23:18
30F:推 permanent27 : 80.2出了 11/12 23:40
31F:→ IBIZA : 設了67開始買 一直沒到 11/12 23:59
32F:→ IBIZA : 成交了 11/13 00:01
33F:推 g0t24568 : IB大看起來是拉回5日線進啊 11/13 00:14
34F:推 NCCUexpert : 72元買的套牢了 11/13 02:24
35F:推 toeic900 : IBIZA還是持續看好嗎~ 我66補了一點 11/13 08:21
36F:→ FeatherLU : 長期看好 11/13 09:23
37F:→ IBIZA : 發行可轉債 如果沒有到執行價格 那就是低利貸款啊 11/13 10:26
38F:→ IBIZA : 執行價格通常是基準日的130%, 以現在來講就是大概 11/13 10:26
39F:→ IBIZA : 89....沒漲過89就是低利貸款 會漲超過89...那你還 11/13 10:27
40F:→ IBIZA : 不買? 11/13 10:27
41F:→ IBIZA : 我原本手上剩3100股 昨天補了1100 11/13 10:29
42F:→ IBIZA : 不對 昨天補900 11/13 10:29
43F:推 qqwwee741 : 謝謝ib大。 昨天出了一些 想要今天在補一些 11/13 12:24
44F:→ qqwwee741 : 回來 11/13 12:24

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