Statistics 板


徵人的公司及單位是位於澳洲雪梨的Greenlight Clinical的Biostatistic部門。 公司的網頁: 以下英文的部分是我從公司徵人的job description裡貼的。 工作內容: What you’ll deliver: -SAS programs and macros to produce SDTM, ADaM and TLF outputs. -Programming specifications for the creation of SDTM and ADaM outputs. -SAS programs including substantial data merging and transformation. -Participate in specifications for statistical output Quality Control (QC) processes. -QC verification of statistical output. -Statistical review of Case Report Forms (CRFs), database, and related documentation. -Specifications for data transfer and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submission packages. -Contribution to clinical study protocols for improved CDISC compliance -Review of Statistical Analysis Plans (SAP) -Review of Table, listing, and figure (TLF) shells -Review of output from a programming perspective for accuracy What you’re responsible for: -Develop and review SAS programs and output as required for the management of clinical trial data, the tabulation of data according to Sponsor or CDISC SDTM standards, preparation of patient data listings, coding reports, graphical output, and creation of derived datasets and statistical analysis of data as specified in the Statistical or Report Analysis Plans. -Creation of ADaM datasets with associated TLFs, including tables with substantial statistical content. -Represent statistical programming at internal project meetings. -Demonstrate good problem solving skills, a proactive approach and willingness to make decisions, seeking advice from senior Biostatistics staff to confirm decisions when necessary. -Ensuring collaboration and knowledge sharing. -Additional duties as requested to support statistical programming activities and QC. 應徵資格: 已經有相關工作經驗,熟悉 CDISC SDTM, ADaM及 SAS programming Qualifications: -Undergraduate degree or its international equivalent in clinical science or health-related field, computing, mathematical or statistical subject. -Postgraduate degree preferred. -Statistical knowledge is highly regarded. Work experience: -Demonstrated experience of SAS programming, preferably in the pharmaceutical industry or CRO, but applicants with experience in other industries will be considered. Technical knowledge & skills or other requirements: -Demonstrated skills using SAS, including Base SAS, SAS/STAT, data step, PROC SQL, SAS Graph and SAS Macro Language. -Overall knowledge of clinical trials from initial study set-up to study completion. -Experience in CDISC Package Delivery -Thorough understanding of data flow from the data management team though to statistical deliverables. -Knowledge and understanding of advanced statistical concepts and techniques -High level of SAS or R programming -Knowledge of clinical trial methodology -High level of programming and problem-solving ability. -High level of English fluency. 工作時間: 全職 full-time, 週一到週五。 工作薪資: 面試通過後議。目前我沒有這個資訊。目前澳洲缺工,我建議開薪水時到Glassdoor找 相同性質的工作最高年薪。除了年薪外,按政府規定的,雇主還會給10.5% super,相當 於台灣的勞保。我和經理談過,公司應該會給錄取的candidate work visa sponsorship. 工作地點: 澳洲。公司裡許多人是透過Amazon work space及Microsoft Teams在家工作。 這邊我就沒有提供特定city. 公司總部是在Sydney 聯絡方式: 請符合資格的申請者先用LinkedIn連絡我,連絡時請註明"applying for position of senior statistical programmer"。我看到你的LinkedIn profile覺得你能進到面試的話,我 再請你把CV發到經理及我的公司email(如果能用正在任職公司的email發信更好,表示你 有工作經驗),HR會接著安排線上的面試。目前我是用個人電腦發文。 平時我會用公司電腦看LinkedIn.公司電腦沒有中文輸入法也不能裝個人software. 我用LinkedIn會比較方便、即時。 我的LinkedIn: 請申請者先更新您的LinkedIn profile及CV. 務必全英文。 面試的進行也是透過 Microsoft Teams及英文進行。希望申請者多多練習英文表達。我願 意相信台灣的申請者technical qualifications沒有問題,甚至超過期待,不過,英語能 力可能更重要,畢竟是全英語的環境。為求公平,我不會透露更多的與面試相關的訊息。 備註事項: 澳洲的工作受到Fair work的保障。 澳洲單位制式的email模板是 [email protected](.au) 小弟公司的email的結尾即是。希望這個能和工作詐騙集團有 個區別。 申請者請不要站內回信。 請申請者熟悉Microsoft Teams的使用 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (澳大利亞)
※ 文章網址:

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