SkyWu 板


Jeff and Sky's Act Of Love Kuala Lumpur, 5 November 2004 Christmas is a time of love, peace and joy. This is what the two Taiwanese singers hope to achieve as they prepare for a charity concert during this coming festive season. “Prince of Love Ballads”, Jeff Chang and singer Sky Wu was recently in town to promote the Act Of Love charity concert where a press conference was held at the JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur. After greeting the media with big smiles and a cheerful ‘Hello’, both singers seemed extremely excited and eager to talk about their involvement and plans for the concert. “We are both very glad to be able to participate in this charity concert. Besides being able to share our music on stage with our fans, we are also happy that we can use our talents for a good cause to help the less fortunate,” Jeff said. Having performed together on various occasions, Jeff and Sky are no strangers to each other’s acts and are at ease working together. “I first worked together with Jeff when I helped him to produce his Where Dreams Come True album and he was later invited to be the guest artiste to perform at a few of my concerts. But then, it turned out that he sang better than the main artiste - me,” said Sky who is the joker between the two. It was from those early days of performing together that both Jeff and Sky found that they got along quite well and had the chemistry when it came to performing together on stage. Since then, both have performed at a few concerts together. Over the years, they have also managed to adapt well to each other’s songs and style of performance. “There will be no other special guest artistes because as we planned for the performance, we realised that there was not enough time for our individual acts and also our combined acts. We had a hard time planning as we had to decide which songs to sing and which songs to leave out. However, if there are any special request from fans to sing a particular song, we will try our best to fulfil the request,” explained Jeff when asked if they would have inviting any guest artistes to perform. Fans of Jeff can also look forward to seeing some new acts during the concert because he will be singing a number of new songs from his latest album, The Next Eternity. Individually, Jeff and Sky have been involved in numerous charity concerts in places including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. “This is not my first time doing a charity concert. If there is any opportunity for me to perform at a charity concert, I will be more than glad to do it regardless of whether it is in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China or even like this coming one in Malaysia,” said Jeff who also plays the violin. Sky, who plays the piano, said he has done quite a number of charity concerts as well, for example, for the environment, to raise funds for schools, old folks’ home or hospitals. “We hope that the songs we sing will bring the positive influence of love and care to our fans who in turn, would influence their friends. We are glad that we are able to bring some love and hope to the society,” explained Sky. The Act Of Love charity concert, initiated by First Assembly of God Church in Kuala Lumpur, is a love and social concern programme for promoting good morals and building a caring and loving Malaysian society. There will be two nights of performance by the two artiste and the concert will be held at the Bukit Jalil Putra Stadium on 24 and 25 December. YTL supports the Act Of Love charity concert and will host the artistes and crew at JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur and Vistana Hotel Kuala Lumpur. be continued -- 看著天空 想著伍思凱 想你的天空 想念伍思凱 --

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