作者donnakarren (jane)
標題Re: 新加坡缺中學老師嗎?
時間Fri Oct 21 18:17:49 2005
※ 引述《boonshuen513 (愛榮如昔)》之銘言:
: 題外話,
: 其實我還是不懂..
: 為什麼台灣人這麼想要來新加坡...
: 除了沒有政治問題, 沒有地震, 經濟狀況比較好之外,
: 我真的不覺得這裡有什麼比較好...
: 至少我想留在台灣工作都不行, 才會選擇來新加坡的...=.=
Free from political problems?
That's already a big attraction in itself!
I always feel so furious with the politicans who are more
concerned with making as much money as possible while they are in office...
turning black into white, and vice versa.
Better economic conditions?
That is already HUGE plus point!
You can't think of the reasons?
In Singapore, one gets:
1) food from all over the world-- it's tough to get decent curry from the
shops in Taiwan. Not impossible, just tough. No sambol sauce to go with
rice that has coconut milk flavour. No ice-kachang or satay or
cockles dipped in chilli.
2) decent living conditions--I desire to look out of the window and see
greenery and well-built houses, not houses build haphazardly, iron grills
on every tiny little window.
3) bins for trash--I walk for hours in the streets of Taiwan, unable to
find a bin for my empty drink...
4) international news-- I have lost touch with the rest of the world, and
can only use the internet to see what is happening in other countries.
How I wish I could exchange places with you!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 joshualin:原PO是台灣人嗎?為何這麼討厭台灣? 10/22 11:48
2F:推 boonshuen513:唉...各人看法不同..沒有完美的.... 10/22 21:21
3F:→ boonshuen513:新加坡...悶啊...台灣生活比較多姿多采.. 10/22 21:21
4F:→ boonshuen513:台灣人比較有人情味.. 10/22 21:22
5F:→ boonshuen513:台灣的中文和美語比較好聽..=.= 10/22 21:22
6F:→ boonshuen513:台灣的學術風氣和人文氣息興盛得多了..=.= 10/22 21:22
7F:→ boonshuen513:當然我不否認南洋風味食物比較合我口味...哈.. 10/22 21:23
8F:推 mrkiwi:i'm agree with u.donnakarren. 10/24 16:23