作者candy2108200 (開竅)
標題[公告] yeah77水桶一週
時間Sun Jan 17 20:36:56 2010
1F:→ yeah77:The owner of this bullitn board says: we could not chat01/17 18:16
2F:→ yeah77:can not chart things not related to Mr.Liang.01/17 18:17
3F:→ yeah77:I am not very familiar with this rule, and I often01/17 18:19
4F:→ yeah77:chart with 飯糰 about the other things. So, the she01/17 18:19
5F:→ yeah77:warned me last week.
即日起從99/01/17~99/01/24 水桶一星期
╭═╮ ▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂
▉══╦══▏ ══ ║═║ ◤══╮ ╬ ═╩═▎ ║ ▉景行廳男孩-梁赫群▎
◤╱║\◥ ═══ ╙═╜ ╭╯ ╒╕╬ ║ ║▎ ║
╱◢║◣\ ║ ▊═╦═▏ ║ ╘╜║ ╲╱ ▎ ║ ▋看板《ShiauLiang》
║ ║ ▊═╬═▏ ║ ╜ ═══▎ ‧
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
6F:→ mou0921:梁版首桶...水潑出去了 01/17 20:40
7F:→ eonc:水潑了是收不回的,希望不要動到潑水的一天 01/17 20:42
8F:推 any1643:不得了啦~ 01/17 21:14
9F:→ lh680329:出名了!! 01/17 21:32
10F:→ r50791113:那位是想要追飯糰嗎??= = 01/17 22:28
11F:推 vivien24:可以問,水桶是蝦米嗎? 01/17 22:59
12F:→ mou0921:不要問 很恐怖... 01/17 23:03
13F:推 lh680329:飯糰是食物,不用追,小7有賣 水桶=能看,不能推文.發文 01/17 23:11
14F:推 yamapi0320:酷斃了 01/18 00:25
15F:推 delphi3:梁版首例 XD 01/18 13:34
16F:→ mnkyhh:哇貢仔首桶了耶... 01/19 05:08