SanFrancisco 板


Hi 大家好 公司有要找人 分別是Supply Chain Analyst& Program Manager 小弟為代PO,若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: [email protected] 第一個職缺: Supply Chain Analyst Job Title: Supply Chain Analyst Job Description: ‧ Primary responsibility is to procure/quote materials and services at the lowest cost, in the most efficient manner possible ‧ Interface with the electronics supply chain, including domestic and global suppliers, internally with marketing, sales, engineering, purchasing, operations, and finance to develop on-time proposals with the greatest value to both customer and Sparqtron ‧ Initiate RFQ and evaluate supplier bids and contracts ‧ Coordinating all cross-functional quote and proposal activities, including the critical data review and approval process – “cradle to grave. ” ‧ Manage and develop relationships with suppliers to reduce costs and improve Job Requirement : ‧ Education: AA College Above, STEM is preferred ‧ Experience: 1-2 years as best ‧ Skills: Proficient in Excel and Word (SAP a plus) ‧ Others: Detail-oriented and accurate; excellent analytical, organizational and problem-solving abilities. Skilled in coordinating and prioritizing multiple projects simultaneously. Thrive within fast-paced. ‧ Fluent in English and Mandarin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 第二個職缺: Program Manager Job Title: Program Manager Job Description ‧ The Program Manager (PM) will take lead of the contract manufacturing projects from client and coordinate within company with the responsibility of meeting all cost, quality, delivery and client’s satisfaction objectives. ‧ The PM will be the primary contact, coordinator and facilitator for clients. The PM will own and ensure tasks between the client and the functions within the company to meet contract’s deliverable, provide services, and keep satisfactory relationship. Responsibilities: ‧ Communicate with the client as main point of contact during all phases of the business relationship from client demand requirements to final delivery. ‧ Communicate and gain understanding of client needs and communicate it to related parties within the company and keep all informed of progress and issues timely. ‧ Coordinate company resources to fulfill client requirements including ordering, scheduling, manufacturing, quality systems, logistics, etc. ‧ Monitor all clients supporting activity and provides regular updates t o the company and the client. ‧ Ensure compliance with and delivery of all contractual commitments wit h client. ‧ Monitor and manage material inventory and accounts receivable at healt h level. ‧ Develop new opportunity to growth business in the designated accounts. ‧ Maintains good business relationship with client and achieve high leve l of customer satisfaction. Qualifications ‧ Bachelor's degree in business or engineering ‧ Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Please send resume to [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: waynelee ( 美國), 01/20/2023 09:02:59 ※ 編輯: waynelee ( 美國), 01/20/2023 09:04:01 waynelee:轉錄至看板 Oversea_Job 01/20 09:06
1F:噓 raymondchu: 薪水? 01/20 20:47

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