Sakurazaka46 板


來源: Credit:@toomuchidea first kochi hoshi as sakurazaka46! 櫻坂46有楽町星空放送局第一集 oze is feeling nervous, she's reminded to the time she appeared in radio for the first time 尾関覺得有點緊張,她回憶起第一次上廣播節目的時候。 nijika and shii's graduation 關於石森虹花和佐藤詩織的畢業 it feels lonely. niji is older sister like from her, and she a takes a good care of 2kisei as well. she cannot forget when they stood as front together for kaze fuka 這令人感到寂寞,虹花對她而言就像姊姊,而且虹花很照顧二期生,她不會忘記他們一起 站在《就算風吹》前排的時候。 oze remembered the time she and shiichan went to atami alone. they were like "hey lets go to atami", and then just went when together when they got free time. she have a lot of talent, so oze wants her to make use of it 尾関憶起她和詩織單獨去熱海市的時光,當時她們像是臨時起意「嘿,我們去熱海吧」, 然後有空時就起身前往了,她很有才能,因此尾関想要她好好發揮。 she hope that they can live their life in their own way 尾関希望她們能以自己的方式好好過活。 talking about similar keyaki and sakura kanji is, yuuka said that looking at it from a far, she doesn't know which is which 談到欅與櫻的漢字有多麼相似,友香說從遠處來看,她無法分出哪個是哪個。 talking about having to be more careful when eating, since their uniform is all white LOL 說到飲食方面得多加注意,因為制服是全白的。 yuuka talks about wanting to go and see sakura together in spring 友香說想在春天一起去看櫻花。 oh wow a mail from 55 year old lady, say they might be influenced by their 21 yo daughter into a keyaki fan 55歲女士的來信,談到她可能受到21歲女兒的影響,而成為欅坂的粉絲。 oze says yuuka's mom looks similar to yuuka 尾関說友香的媽媽長得跟她很像。 yuuka: oh but my mom, on keyaki-- wait, sakura! oze: hhh not used yet 友香:喔,但我媽在櫸...等等,櫻! 尾関:呵呵,還不習慣喔 yuuka's mom also went to line up to handshake events, and even trade photocard with fans like anyone else lol 友香的媽媽也曾排隊參加握手會,甚至和其他人一樣互相交換生寫真。 oze is also close with her mother, like going to a hotel buffet together 尾関也跟她媽蠻親近的,例如一起去吃飯店自助餐。 yuuka says her family often went drinking together, since they all like alcohol. she and her father is not that strong of a drinker, so she would drink sip by sip 友香說她家人經常一起喝酒,因為他們都喜歡酒精,她與她爸不是那種豪飲的人,她是一 口一口啜飲。 yuuka's school doesn't allow the students to go out after school wearing their uniform, so like abunakkashii keikaku, she would change clothes in train station before going out with friends 友香讀得學校不允許學生放學後穿制服外出,所以就像《危險計畫》,她在和朋友出去前 會在車站換衣服。 one time she got so hungry, she went out with her friend to eat pancake while still wearing their uniform. when the school learn about that, they had to write written apology 有一次她實在很餓,就穿的制服和她朋友出去吃鬆餅,學校得知此事時,他們得交檢討報 告。 in uniair CM they say that even after becoming sakurazaka, keyaki songs will continue to be added... that includes darekane! 她們說即便成為櫻坂,「UNI'S ON AIR」裡還是會增加欅坂的歌,包含誰鐘。 oze: and next week's partner is kobayashi yui! yuuka: pon pon~ oze: pon pon~ wait she gonna get angry lol yuuka: pon pon~ pon pon~ 尾関:下周的來賓是小林由依! 友香:pon pon~ 尾関:pon pon~ 等等她會生氣(笑 友香:pon pon~ pon pon~ lol the ending is them determining which "sakuzaraka" intonation is the correct one 節目最後是她們在決定哪個櫻坂的語調才是正確的。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手資訊,表達不周之處請見諒 --

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1F:→ s20031248: 推i大分享~ 10/19 10:10
2F:推 s20031248: 補推! 10/19 10:17
3F:推 xinrai: 感謝翻譯 10/19 10:21
4F:推 liz127: 感謝翻譯!音遊會放鐘鳴的話許願last live 10/19 12:17
5F:推 wenelephant: 真心希望音遊能把表題曲都補齊。 10/19 13:22

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