作者loveec178 (輕輕閉上眼睛)
標題[新聞] 徐玄和Key(SHINee成員)之間很尷尬
時間Fri Aug 14 01:12:29 2009
內容是說這周15號要播出的金鐘 (版上
#1AVLt_ZZ 有預告和來賓介紹)
老小表示 雖然她和Key是同年 但他們到現在說話還是用"敬語"
Key也補充說 在他邁入第四年練習生生涯前...
而之前少女們拿到音樂節目一位 Key舉起手想要和徐玄擊掌慶賀時...
最後老小徐玄也在節目上承諾以後會試著和Key變親密一點 當好朋友的!!
這真的是很像老小的作風阿 我們老小就是這麼有禮貌!!! 到處向人鞠躬
可憐的Key...擊掌這種事只能和同輩做吧 徐玄還不回應他
如果Key去找sica擊掌 會被"巴"下去吧...
Seohyun and Key are Awkward
On this week's Star Golden Bell, Girls' Generation / SNSD's Seohyun (God
bless her soul) admitted to some awkward relations with fellow SM Entertainment
member Key from SHINee.
She admitted, "Although we are the same age, Key and I still only use formal
speech (Korean has an informal and formal way of talking) when we talk to each
other." When asked, Key also agreed, "We didn't even say hello to one other
until I was 4 years into training."
When SNSD won a music show with their single "Tell Me Your Wish / Genie", Key
said he got a high five from Sooyoung, but only recieved a 90 degree bow from
Seohyun. Seohyun promised on the show that she would try harder to get closer
to Key and hoped that the two could become closer and become better friends
in the future.
This is not looking good for us Seomates. Let's hope Key gets over his fear of
the Ice Princess and gets closer to her instead. Seohyun must remain an
innocent maknae until she is ready for yours truly.
_▁▃▂__ ────-╫-───
◤ ◥ the second mini album "GENIE"
◤ ◥▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ▃▔|▎ ╦─╮ ╦╮╮ ╦─╮ ╦─╮
● █ ● ● ● ● ●/ ◤▁▃▂
╩─╮ ╬╰┤ ╩─╮ ╬ │
◥ █................◤ _
╩─╯ ╩ ╯ ╩─╯ ╩─╯
╰⊙▔▔▔▔▔╰⊙▔ http://tinyurl.com/m7s9z5 φyihchyi
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: loveec178 來自: (08/14 01:13)
1F:推 TAMASABUROU:徐玄是個有禮貌的孩子阿XD 08/14 01:15
※ 編輯: loveec178 來自: (08/14 01:15)
2F:推 kses83420:我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個乎 08/14 01:17
3F:推 muse1628: 我願意用一個擊掌換得Sica的一個呼 08/14 01:19
4F:→ loveec178:我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個呼 千金難買... 08/14 01:20
5F:推 tyes6515: 我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個呼 版主也加入被虐行列 08/14 01:23
6F:推 mayo1211:斷囧 這個梗可以去上至親筆記XD 有點期待~~ 08/14 01:28
7F:→ loveec178:可是他們兩個不是同團阿 但是如果真的去上我會很期待!! 08/14 01:29
8F:→ Lasia:跟key擊掌好幸福>///< 08/14 01:38
9F:推 hxzxh: 我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個呼 (我也要推><) 08/14 01:41
10F:推 imorangehsu:好可愛呀!!! 08/14 01:57
11F:推 shiaumian:老小好可愛(心)真的是有禮貌又文靜的女孩呢!!!:D 08/14 03:12
12F:推 gibaw: 我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個乎 08/14 03:20
13F:→ loveec178:我發現我內文看太快了 秀英和徐玄拼音還真像 08/14 03:20
14F:→ loveec178:Key有和秀英擊掌(give me five!!) 但徐玄只給他一個鞠躬 08/14 03:20
15F:→ loveec178:所以內文應該也沒翻錯 Key應該也是想和徐玄擊掌的... 08/14 03:21
16F:→ gibaw:可是我也想換老小的禮貌 先被呼完在敬禮嗎 真難抉擇 08/14 03:21
17F:→ loveec178:害我以為作者文法錯了..原來是豪氣的"秀英"阿!!! 08/14 03:23
18F:→ loveec178:不過還是覺得如果Key和sica擊掌會被巴下去... 08/14 03:23
19F:推 volt27: 我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個呼XD 08/14 08:46
20F:推 ernie78510:我願意用一個擊掌換得SICA的一個呼 我要我要._./ 08/14 09:36
21F:推 gloomwind:老小必推 08/14 09:39
22F:推 pkp:推巴下去。哈哈 08/14 10:19
23F:推 xaing:老小好可愛啊 08/14 11:13
24F:→ seraphiam:老小超認真 XD 08/14 12:11
25F:推 jessicamai:我看完報導也是想說去上至親筆記XD 08/14 12:51
26F:推 egoist0704:這篇新聞內容好可愛喔XDDD 想擊掌被鞠躬的囧KEY…XDDD 08/14 14:29
27F:推 XDXDXDID:哈哈哈!被SICA巴下去! 08/14 19:58