SFGiants 板


※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1PbcFHBG ] 作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: MLB 標題: [外電] 舊金山巨人Brandon Crawford沮喪的一季 時間: Fri Aug 18 11:49:31 2017 來源:The Mercury News 網址:http://tinyurl.com/yd2cxe42 When life throws a curve: Giants’ Brandon Crawford tries to make sense of his disheartening season 人生起起落落:巨人Brandon Crawford沮喪的一季 MIAMI – Exactly one year and one week ago, Brandon Crawford made history here at Marlins Park. In a 14-inning victory, he went 7 for 8 to become the fifth major league player in more than a century to collect seven hits in a game. 就剛好是一年又一個禮拜之前,Brandon Crawford在馬林魚場館創造了歷史。在一場14局 的比賽,他8個打數打出7支安打,成為史上第五人(第四人是在100+年前)在單場比賽打 出7支安打的球員。 It seemed crazy then. Returning to this UFO-shaped incongruence plopped in the middle of Little Havana, it seems crazier now. 那時看起來有點瘋狂,但是比起重回到馬林魚球場看Crawford的近況,現在看起來更瘋了 一些。 “Right now,” said Crawford, “I’d be happy with seven hits in a week.” 「現在的話,」Crawford說到,「我一個禮拜有七支安打就很開心了。」 For all the Giants’ thrown rods and shot springs this season, Crawford’s season-long grind at the plate is among the toughest to explain. The former Silver Slugger winner knows his .225 average is beyond rescue, and he even misplaced his Golden Glove for an instant in the Marlins’ four-run first inning Wednesday. Crawford clanked a slicing line drive as the Giants finished their compressed road trip with an 8-1 loss in South Florida. 對於今年巨人隊荒腔走板的表現,Crawford今年的走鐘似乎是最難解之謎。曾經是MLB最佳 打擊手的他今年打擊率只有.225,他的防守金手套似乎是放在家裡,從馬林魚第一局拿下4 分可以看出。巨人這次在南佛羅里達的長征以8-1輸球收尾,Crawford只打了一支安打。 The Giants know what happened to Madison Bumgarner. He fell off a dirt bike. They know what happened to Johnny Cueto. He dealt with blisters. Mark Melancon ’s elbow barked at him. Jarrett Parker flung himself into a wall. The entire right side of the infield (Joe Panik, Brandon Belt) is concussed. 巨人球團知道瘋邦發生了什麼事:他從越野車上摔下來;球團知道Cueto發生了什麼事:他 手指起水泡;Melancon的手肘出狀況;Jarrett Parker接球撞牆斷了鎖骨;右邊內野手( Joe Panik, Brandon Belt)都有腦震盪。 But what the heck happened to Crawford? 但是他X的到底Crawford怎麼了? “I think the most frustrating part was that in Washington (over the weekend), I felt like I was on every pitch I swung at, and I ended up with one single in the whole series,” Crawford said. “I mean, it’s definitely better to feel on time and feel like my swing is right. But it’s also aggravating to feel good and not get hits, because you know you’ll go through times when you’re not feeling right.” 「我認為最讓人沮喪的部分是在國民那場子,我覺得我每一次揮擊都有抓到,但是結果就 是那個系列賽只打了一支安打,」Crawford說到。「我是說,覺得有抓到擊球時機跟擊球 點很讚,但是讓人抓狂的是感覺有到卻打不出安打,更不要說若是感覺不到的時候了。」 Crawford has spent too much of this season not feeling right. He missed a little more than two weeks because of a strained groin that sent him to the disabled list at the end of April, but he returned May 11 and hit .340 in the month. He said the injury hasn’t lingered or hindered him since then. He still leads the team with 57 RBIs. Crawford這季花了太長的時間感覺不好。他因為股溝拉傷休息了超過兩個禮拜,在4月底的 時候進了傷兵名單,但是當他5/11回來的時候打擊率有.340。他說那個傷並沒有困擾他太 久,那時他的打點57分,是全隊最高。 But he acknowledged that feeling on time at the plate was a struggle through most of the first half. 但是他也承認,上半球季大半時間他在打擊時在壘包時抓不到感覺。 “I felt I wasn’t quite as quick with my lower half and my hands,” Crawford said. “I don’t know why. But that causes you to try to cheat on pitches, and then you start to swing at bad pitches.” 「我感覺我的下半身跟我的手速度不夠快,」Crawford說到。「我不知道為什麼。不過那 樣的狀況會讓擊球有困難,然後就開始打壞球了。」 These numbers bear it out: Crawford’s chase rate on pitches out of the zone has increased slightly, from a career average of 31 percent to 35.4 percent this season. That’s what happens when you start the bat early and have to adjust to a breaking ball. 數字會說話:Crawford追打壞球的比率上升,從生涯的31%到本季的35.4%。那就是揮棒 過早,然後追打變化球所造成的結果。 These numbers scream it out: breaking balls have been Crawford’s kryptonite. He is hitting .111 on at-bats that end with a slider, and .105 on at-bats that end with a curve. Those trips comprise more than a quarter of his at-bats (101 of 382) this season. 另外的數據更明顯:變化球變成是Crawford的死穴。他在碰到滑球的打擊率是.111,曲球 打擊率是.105。這兩種佔了他今年打數的四分之一(101/382)。 Crawford has swung and missed 61 times at sliders and gotten just seven hits on the pitch all season. He has four hits, all singles, against the curve. He hasn’t hit a home run on a breaking ball all year – a surprising fact for a hitter who had shown the ability to punish hanging pitches since that grand slam in Milwaukee in his memorable big league debut. Crawford打了61次滑球沒打到,只打出了7支安打;打曲球只打了4支安打,而且都是一壘 安打。對於變化球,他一支全壘打都沒。這對一個在Milwaukee第一次打大聯盟就打了一支 清壘全壘打的的打者來說,實在太令人感到驚訝。 His batting average on balls in play also has taken a steep drop, from .322 last year to .259 this season. The league average usually hovers around .290 – perhaps a hint that Crawford has not benefited from as much good fortune. 他的打擊率像自由落體:去年是.322,今年是.259。全聯盟的平均打擊率是.290。 But there is another factor, too. According to Statcast, Crawford’s sprint speed – his measured speed on his 10 fastest running events on the basepaths — has dipped from 27.3 mph in the previous two years to 26.5 percent this year. That might not sound like much. But it is the difference between being a tick above average and a tick below – or the difference between beating out one more single a week. 不過還有另外一個因素,根據Statcast,Crawford的跑步速度- 最快的10次跑壘均速-從前 兩季的27.3mph到這季的26.5mph。這數字或許差距不大,但是這就是會讓打擊在平均之上 或是平均之下-或者就是一個被封殺或是一星期多一支安打的差別。 He led the major leagues with 11 triples last year. He has one this season. 去年他有11支三壘打領先;今年他只有一支。 Whether it’s his hands or his legs, it is measurable: Crawford has slowed down this season. And although he plays a taxing position, he just turned 30 in January. He should have several prime years left. 或許是他的手或者腳有狀況,這都顯現出來:Crawford今年變慢了。雖然他打的是負擔比 較重的內野手,但是他今年一月才滿30,他的黃金歲月理論上應該還有好幾年。 “I know I’ve felt better in the second half,” he said, “whether the numbers have shown it or not.” 「我知道我下半季感覺更好了,」他說,「不管數字上會不會顯現出來。」 Giants manager Bruce Bochy subbed for Crawford after the shortstop made the last out in the fifth inning, but not because of any infirmity. With the Giants already trailing 5-1, Bochy sought multiple innings out of Albert Suarez in relief of spot starter Matt Cain. So he engineered a double-switch. 巨人總教練Bruce Bochy在五局游擊手完成出局後把Crawford換下來,但不是因為他考慮體 力的問題。巨人那時已經5-1落後,Bochy還有好幾局要打,要把先發Matt Cain換下,後援 Albert Suarez準備上,所以他決定要換兩個球員。 But Bochy also acknowledged the benefit of giving Crawford a semi-break at the end of a demanding trip, especially since the Giants don’t have a day off before they open the next homestand and they remain thin in the middle infield with Panik on the concussion DL. Second baseman Miguel Gomez cannot be activated from the DL until Saturday. 但是Bochy也知道這可以讓Crawford可以稍做喘息,尤其在遠征賽之後回到主場還沒有休息 日就要出賽,內野手Panik還因腦震盪在傷兵名單上,二壘手Miguel Gomez要到星期六才能 從傷兵名單移出。 The Giants are relying on Crawford, in the near term and far beyond that. 所以巨人現在需要Crawford,不管是近期或是遠期。 As difficult as this season has been for the Giants, it’s been worse for Crawford and his wife, Jalynne. She lost her eldest sister in mid-April following an asthma attack that struck without warning. Jennifer Pippin left behind a husband and two small children. Every family responds to tragedy in its own way. It’s callous to speculate how it might affect one’s batting average. 儘管今年對巨人球隊來說很困難,但是對Crawford以及他的太太來說,可能更加難熬。他 們的大女兒在四月中因氣喘發作過世,留下她的丈夫跟兩個小孩。每個家庭對悲劇發生的 反應都不一樣,但是去揣測這樣的事件對於打擊表現的影響是有點不人道的。 Amid a forgettable year in every respect, Crawford said his goals haven’t changed once he arrives at the ballpark. 今年對Crawford來說從哪方面都不是值得記憶的,但是Crawford說他到球場之後,他的目 標從未改變。 “I want to go up and have good at-bats,” he said. “It’s not like the numbers are going to end up looking good either way. I’d love to say I’ll hit .400 the rest of the year, but at this point in the season, it’s not going to matter. I just want to feel like I have (in Washington) and play good defense.” 「我想上場,然後打擊有好表現,」他說。「這不是說數據就會往上,我當然想說今年到 結束前我打擊率可以回到.400,但是球季走到現在,那已經不重要了。我只希望我可以有 在國民場子那樣的打擊感覺,然後守備可以表現好。」 The Marlins already led 2-0 in a first inning fraught with misfortune – Dee Gordon reached on catcher’s interference, Giancarlo Stanton blooped a single and J.T. Realmuto drove in a run when he beat out a near double-play grounder – when Derek Dietrich’s line drive went off Crawford’s glove. Tomás Tellis followed with a two-run double. 一局上馬林魚就2-0領先,Dee Gordon因為捕手干擾上壘,Stanton打了一支一壘打, Realmuto差點打了個雙殺滾地,不過還是打了一分打點- 然後Deltrich打了一支平飛球, 但是球從Crawford的手套掉出來。之後Tellis打了一支有兩分打點的二壘打。 “You’d like to have a mulligan on that first inning,” Bochy said. “I mean, Matt just had some horrible luck there.” 「若是第一局可以重來當來很好,」Bochy說。「我的意思是,Matt Cain真的運氣很 差。」 What could be worse luck than a Gold Glove shortstop failing to catch a ball right at him? 有什麼會比一個金手套得主去接一個飛向他的球卻還掉出來的運氣更差呢? Crawford said the ball sliced on him “obviously, more than I anticipated.” Crawford說那球的路徑有點彎,「但是很顯然的,彎的比我預期的多。」 Barely more than a year ago, Crawford was posing for pictures with Rennie Stennett, who waited 41 years to welcome another player to the seven-hit club. Even as recently as this March, he built good memories here. He was locked in at the plate for Team USA as it won its pool in a prelude to capturing the World Baseball Classic for the first time. 就差不多一年多前,Crawford才跟上一個打出單場7支安打的Rennie Stennett拍照。在今 年三月,他在馬林魚場館也有不錯的回憶。他為美國隊打經典賽,幫助美國隊贏得分組 賽,替美國第一次拿下經典賽冠軍拉開序幕。 That part doesn’t seem so crazy. 那個部分似乎沒那麼瘋狂。 “It just seems like a long time ago,” he said. 「只是那似乎是好久以前的事了,」他說。 -- 有點感傷... --

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1F:推 carrhung: 怎麼會突然失憶QQ 08/18 11:56

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※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 08/18/2017 11:57:16
2F:→ paso : 打經典賽過早開機後遺症 也有可能?! 08/19 11:28

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