SFGiants 板


※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1KBHcHow ] 作者: Rambo (香帥) 站內: MLB 標題: [影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2014.10.01) 時間: Thu Oct 2 17:23:24 2014 巨人 (SF) VS 海盜 (PIT) (8 : 0) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://u.to/amgFCQ http://u.to/a2gFCQ MadBum pitches Giants into NLDS http://u.to/6m8FCQ http://u.to/_m8FCQ Must C: Panda flips for the out http://u.to/tQ0GCQ http://u.to/tg0GCQ Crawford pega grand slam http://u.to/lXkFCQ http://u.to/lnkFCQ Pence on moving on to NLDS http://u.to/ik8FCQ http://u.to/i08FCQ Bumgarner, Crawford on big win http://u.to/JNMFCQ http://u.to/JdMFCQ MLB.com on Pirates' loss to NL http://u.to/gUoFCQ http://u.to/gkoFCQ Bumgarner gets out of trouble http://u.to/gIMFCQ http://u.to/gYMFCQ Future Pirate takes his cuts http://u.to/g0oFCQ http://u.to/hEoFCQ Bumgarner sends Giants to NLDS http://u.to/Jl4FCQ http://u.to/J14FCQ Hurdle on fan appreciation http://u.to/hUoFCQ http://u.to/hkoFCQ Posey RBI single http://u.to/2H8FCQ http://u.to/5X8FCQ Bumgarner disappearing pitches http://u.to/jE8FCQ http://u.to/jU8FCQ Bochy on advancing to NLDS http://u.to/k08FCQ http://u.to/oU8FCQ Bumgarner on dominant shutout http://u.to/h0oFCQ http://u.to/ikoFCQ Must C: Crawford grand slam http://u.to/pUoFCQ http://u.to/rUoFCQ Bochy ready for Wild Card Game http://u.to/rd0FCQ http://u.to/rt0FCQ Giants fans celebrate in NYC http://u.to/tw0GCQ http://u.to/uA0GCQ Panda con tremenda atrapada http://u.to/yEoFCQ http://u.to/yUoFCQ Bumgarner ready for WC start http://u.to/y0oFCQ http://u.to/zEoFCQ Georgi sings God Bless America http://u.to/zkoFCQ http://u.to/z0oFCQ Georgi sings national anthem http://u.to/2EoFCQ http://u.to/2UoFCQ Hurdle on pressure of Wild Card http://u.to/2koFCQ http://u.to/5koFCQ Walker gets out at home http://u.to/5n8FCQ http://u.to/538FCQ Giants celebrate WC win http://u.to/6koFCQ http://u.to/7UoFCQ Belt two-run single http://u.to/7koFCQ http://u.to/70oFCQ Burgh Man spotted http://u.to/8EoFCQ http://u.to/9koFCQ Cutch sliding catch http://u.to/C0sFCQ http://u.to/DEsFCQ Pirates fan dressed as pirate http://u.to/kNoFCQ http://u.to/ndoFCQ Pulse of the Postseason http://u.to/z58FCQ http://u.to/0Z8FCQ Pirates on loss to Giants http://u.to/DUsFCQ http://u.to/DksFCQ Pence reaching grab http://u.to/EEsFCQ http://u.to/EUsFCQ Sandoval on playoff experience http://u.to/EksFCQ http://u.to/J0sFCQ Panik tough catch http://u.to/MEsFCQ http://u.to/MUsFCQ Giants ready for Wild Card Game http://u.to/QUsFCQ http://u.to/QksFCQ Giants fans at PNC Park http://u.to/Q0sFCQ http://u.to/REsFCQ Fans give Martin nice hand http://u.to/RksFCQ http://u.to/R0sFCQ Fans watch NL WC Game in style http://u.to/TPAFCQ http://u.to/XPAFCQ Recap: SF 8, PIT 0 http://u.to/SEsFCQ http://u.to/SUsFCQ Crawford grand slam http://u.to/SksFCQ http://u.to/S0sFCQ Volquez goes five-plus frames http://u.to/TEsFCQ http://u.to/TUsFCQ Harrison on Wild Card attitude http://u.to/U0sFCQ http://u.to/VUsFCQ Tekulve first pitch http://u.to/RZIFCQ http://u.to/RpIFCQ Bumgarner, Crawford lead Giants http://u.to/J9MFCQ http://u.to/KtMFCQ Martin on Bucs' fans, loss http://u.to/g4MFCQ http://u.to/hYMFCQ Belt big game http://u.to/PXMFCQ http://u.to/QnMFCQ Must C: Clinch http://u.to/YUsFCQ http://u.to/YksFCQ Hurdle on heartbreaking loss http://u.to/Y0sFCQ http://u.to/ZksFCQ Torre, Leyland in the stands http://u.to/0p8FCQ http://u.to/058FCQ Volquez on start against Giants http://u.to/Z0sFCQ http://u.to/cUsFCQ Volquez on Wild Card mentality http://u.to/dEsFCQ http://u.to/dUsFCQ Volquez ends the threat http://u.to/dksFCQ http://u.to/d0sFCQ Belt RBI single http://u.to/eEsFCQ http://u.to/eUsFCQ Crawford on Giants' big win http://u.to/eksFCQ http://u.to/e0sFCQ Hurdle on Volquez http://u.to/fEsFCQ http://u.to/fUsFCQ Pirates on NL Wild Card Game http://u.to/fksFCQ http://u.to/f0sFCQ Panda great catch 每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://u.to/TPAFCQ http://u.to/XPAFCQ Recap: SF 8, PIT 0 http://u.to/2pEFCQ http://u.to/25EFCQ 今日五大好球 http://u.to/qksFCQ http://u.to/q0sFCQ 上週十大好球 http://u.to/IqgFCQ http://u.to/I6gFCQ 今日快速掃描 http://u.to/WcAFCQ http://u.to/WsAFCQ 今日快掃Nice Play http://u.to/6m8FCQ http://u.to/_m8FCQ Must C: Panda flips for the out http://u.to/h0oFCQ http://u.to/ikoFCQ Must C: Crawford's grand slam http://u.to/PXMFCQ http://u.to/QnMFCQ Must C: Clinch --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/MLB/M.1412241809.A.CBA.html
1F:→ sonnyissonny: 一夫當關外加血洗 根本屠殺QQ 10/02 17:23

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 10/02/2014 17:29:32

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