SFGiants 板


※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1K73Z9qu ] 作者: Brothre23 (Hammie Yeon) 看板: MLB 標題: [外電] 河貓另結新歡 時間: Fri Sep 19 22:08:04 2014 The Giants have taken over the Sacramento River Cats, the Triple-A team for the A's the past 15 years. 巨人已取得沙加緬度河貓, 一支過去15年來都附屬於運動家的3A球隊 A minor-league game of musical chairs unfolded Thursday with the Giants moving their top affiliate from Fresno to Sacramento and the A's moving theirs from Sacramento to Nashville. 隨著巨人將他們最高層級的小聯盟球隊根據地從Fresno轉換到Sacramento, 運動家 從Sacramento換到Nashville (Nashville Sounds原屬於釀酒人旗下),一場小聯盟 的音樂椅(外國很流行的搶椅子遊戲)比賽展開了 其實我看不太懂記者這一段想表達什麼耶@@ 有大大可以幫我解釋一下嗎? The A's wanted to stay rooted in Sacramento, but River Cats majority owner Sue Savage and her son, president and general manager Jeff Savage, preferred the Giants, who have had more success in recent years on the field and at the box office. The Savages had filed to end their affiliation with the A's. 運動家想在Sacramento落地生根, 但河貓的最大股東Sue Savage和她的兒子Jeff Savage, 球隊主席兼GM卻更偏好巨人這支過去幾年內無論是在球場上還是票房表現上都更為亮眼的 球隊 Savage家族已提出與運動家中止小聯盟附屬關係的申請 The Giants' agreement is for two years. The A's have a four-year deal in Nashville. 巨人與河貓的合約期限是兩年 而運動家與Sounds的則是四年 “It was a difficult decision to move our affiliate,” Giants President and CEO Larry Baer said, “but ultimately we felt that the proximity of the River Cats to San Francisco was critical to the development of our players. We look forward to working with the River Cats' organization to continue to deliver a top baseball experience to our players and the fans.” 「要改變我們的小聯盟球隊是個艱難的決定」巨人主席兼CEO Larry Baer表示 「但我們最 終認為河貓與舊金山的地緣優勢對旗下球員的發展是很關鍵的 我們很期望能和河貓進行合 作以持續帶給我們的球員和球迷最高品質的棒球體驗」 Rather than replacing the Giants in Fresno, the A's are moving 2,000 miles to Nashville, where a ballpark will open next season. Sacramento was a 90-minute drive, handy for a team that often moves players back and forth from the minors to the majors. 運動家選擇移動2000英哩到明年將會有新球場啟用的Nashville而不是取代巨人在Fresno (Fresno Grizzlies, 原老人3A)的位子 從沙加緬度到舊金山的車程是90分鐘, 對一支 經常讓球員上下大小聯盟之間的球隊來說只是小意思 “As we did our due diligence of available Triple-A markets, it became very clear that Nashville was the most attractive,” A's GM Billy Beane said. “ It is a dynamic city and entertainment center with first-rate ownership, a long history of baseball and a location that is convenient for player movement.” 「我們很仔細的調查 評估(due deligence似乎是商場的專門用語 我也不是很懂 反正意思 大略是這樣)可供選擇的3A球隊市場 而很顯然的Nashville是最具吸引力的方案」豆爺表示 「它是個充滿活力的城市, 不只是娛樂的中心還擁有非常棒的市政管理團隊, 與棒球長久 的淵源和位置將會便於球員移動」 Beane said the appeal of moving into 10,000-seat First Tennessee Park weighed into the decision. Fresno' s facility, Chukchansi Park, opened in 2002. It's the new home of the Astros' top affiliate. 豆爺說搬進擁有10000個座位的First Tennessee Park所帶來的吸引力也是他們做決定時 考量的因素 Fresno於2002年開幕的Chukchansi Park則是新年度太空人3A的主場 (Grizzilies從明年開始隸屬於色人旗下) The Nashville Sounds had been affiliated with the Brewers, who are moving their Triple-A team to Colorado Springs, former home of the Rockies. The Rockies' top farm team will play in Albuquerque. The Dodgers' will move from Albuquerque to Oklahoma City, which used to house the Astros’. Nashville Sounds過去一直屬於釀酒人, 後者將把他們的3A球隊移動到Colorado Springs, 落磯3A過去的所在地, 至於落磯的新3A球隊將位於新墨西哥州的Albuquerque, 道奇3A則從 Albuequeruqe移動到過去太空人3A所屬的Oklahoma City (這段就是交代一下明年各球隊附 屬3A的新落腳處 其實不翻應該也看得懂啦XD) The Giants had a team in Fresno since 1998. The River Cats won 11 division titles and four Pacific Coast League championships and drew more fans than any other minor-league team since their affiliation with the A' s began in 2000. 巨人3A自1998年起便位於Fresno 自從與運動家建立合作關係的2000年以來, 河貓已11度 拿下分區冠軍並且4度贏得太平洋岸聯盟冠軍, 並且吸引了比任何其他小聯盟球隊都還要多 的觀眾 Teams could begin discussing affiliation agreements Tuesday. 各隊將自星期二開始討論附屬關係合約 http://goo.gl/iYcuSQ 平常自己看都覺得還好 但嘗試要翻譯時真的有些吃力 可能有很多詞不達意或是與原文 不符的地方 還請各位多多指教&鞭小力一點~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 前段時間就有聽到河貓可能琵琶別抱的消息了 但是證實之後還是覺得有點遺憾 畢竟上面新聞也說過了 他們過去幾年是小聯盟觀眾數最多的球隊 平常有在follow他們 的FB 無論是視覺設計(隊徽 球衣...)還是行銷手法(球場活動) 我覺得這支球隊之所以 能成功都有其獨到之處 也許沒有龐大資金 沒有廣大球迷基礎 但一支小聯盟球隊還是能 經營得有聲有色 我想這也值得國內球團借鏡吧~ -- ◢◣◥ ▉◣ ◥◤◢█▉◣ ◥███▉◣ ◢██▉◣ █◣ ▉█ ◢██▉█ ◢██▉█ ◢███▉█ 朴奎利 ██ █◤ ██ ▉█ ██ ◥◤ ██ ▉█ 韓昇延 ◢███◤ ◢███▉█◤ ███▉◣ ███▉█◤ 鄭妮可 ×Kamilia = ██ ▉◣ ██ ▉█ ◢█ ▉█ ██ ▉█ 具荷拉 █◤ ▉◤ █◤ ▉◤ █◤ ▉◤ █◤ ▉◤ 姜知英 ψichirono1 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/MLB/M.1411135689.A.D38.html
1F:推 mepass: 球隊裡面的選手也跟著過去? 09/19 22:20
2F:推 cacac: 感覺是交換地點跟行政團隊 09/19 22:21
3F:推 condition0: 河貓的球衣真的超好看 09/19 22:23
4F:推 Danks: due diligence通常指商品上架前或決策前要做的事前調查 09/19 22:30
5F:→ Danks: 這樣翻OK的。選手應該會跟著原系統,總不能巨人一舉吞了綠 09/19 22:31
6F:→ Brothre23: 謝謝D大幫我解答~ 09/19 22:31
7F:→ Danks: 帽的好貨吧XD 09/19 22:31
8F:推 accjm2440: 那球隊離開了他們該去哪裡啊? 會成立新的嗎? 09/19 22:43
9F:→ Brothre23: 球員都是跟著母隊走啊 小聯盟球隊打個比方就是裝球員的 09/19 22:45
10F:→ Brothre23: 殼子 今天他們只是交換殼子 沒有牽涉到新球隊的成立 09/19 22:46
11F:推 turkeyma: 近年最大規模的換殼行動.. 09/19 22:47
12F:推 turkeyma: 酒鬼這樣投手要怎麼養? 那裡比丹佛還要高耶 09/19 22:51
13F:推 broken543: 反正我酒本來就不太會養投手.... 09/19 23:29
broken543:轉錄至看板 Brewers 09/19 23:30
14F:→ uranusjr: 音樂椅 = 大風吹 09/20 00:01
15F:推 OceanAdin: 巨人和綠帽某方面來說是宿敵嗎? 巨人都在搞綠帽 09/20 00:27
16F:推 alex2426chen: 之前綠帽想幫去聖荷西 不過那邊有巨人1A球隊在那 09/20 00:40
17F:→ alex2426chen: 而且巨人覺得聖荷西是他們的勢力範圍 (那邊有矽谷) 09/20 00:41
18F:推 umin: @OceanAdin 這件事情,是河貓的經營者主動想加入巨人系統 09/20 00:51
19F:→ umin: 五月就有消息了 09/20 00:52
20F:推 blackdidi: 我還有看過他們比賽啊! 09/20 01:05
21F:推 sampsonlu919: 綠帽:這是巨人迫害 不過巨人這樣對待綠帽帽的態度 09/20 02:25
22F:→ sampsonlu919: 多少成為了我對巨人更反感的原因之一 09/20 02:25

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 09/20/2014 09:37:51

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