SFGiants 板


※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1IYa0mJD ] 作者: JoeMauer7 (貓兒) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] Posey 時間: Tue Nov 19 00:28:29 2013 Giants GM Brian Sabean says Buster Posey won’t move to first base Days after the Twins announced they are moving catcher Joe Mauer over to first base full-time, Giants GM Brian Sabean shot down speculation that the team would do the same with catcher Buster Posey, per MLB.com’s Chris Haft. 在雙城宣布將讓貓兒永久轉戰(站)一壘後,巨人GM傻賓表示他們不會這樣對待波西 “When we signed him to an extension, we considered him as a catcher, and those numbers he was able to get in the extension were based on him being a catcher,” said Sabean, referring to the nine-year, $167 million deal Posey and the Giants reached last March. For Posey, Sabean added, catching “is his passion, and that’s where we need him to be at long term.” "我們給他延長合約就是要他當捕手啊!!拿了這麼多錢,不蹲嗎?" (167M/9Yrs) Like Mauer, Posey suffered a major injury as a result of playing the position, which fueled the rumor that Posey would have a new position in 2014. Then-Marlins outfielder Scott Cousins collided with Posey at home plate in May 2011, fracturing the catcher’s ankle and ending his season. Since then, Posey, who turns 27 years old in late March, has logged 148 games in each of the past two seasons. 然而,捕手真的這位置很容易受傷,尤其是激烈碰撞導致的大傷 曾有乳摸說2014波西將會擔任新守位然而已經被GM跳出來否認惹 http://ppt.cc/0acn -- 2009【AL MVP】 G PA AB H HR R RBI SB BB SO AVG OBP SLG OPS OPS+ 138 606 523 191 28 94 96 4 76 63 .365 .444 .587 1.031 171 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 編輯: JoeMauer7 來自: (11/19 00:29)
1F:推 IronChef:其實應該讓他偶爾去站一壘, 休息一下 11/19 00:31
2F:→ SULICon:我想至少場數會控制啦~ 11/19 00:34
3F:推 chiachiafan:一直有在控制吧?? 11/19 00:35
4F:推 oralboralb:等到了Mauer這個年紀就知... 11/19 00:36
5F:→ starcry:很多捕手的傷是撞出來的嗎 感覺是長期蹲的負擔累積比較多 11/19 00:37
6F:推 Muting46:一樓鐵廚 11/19 00:41
7F:推 maxspeed150:Russell Martin的傷就是被操出來的 11/19 00:46
8F:推 tyrone0923:一個30、一個才26,等Posey 30歲再說還不遲 11/19 00:57
9F:推 ChrisDavis:Mauer傷病史太嚴重了 11/19 01:16
10F:推 ganbaru:我本來是個好捕手,直到我的膝蓋...... 11/19 02:06
11F:推 karta328:有些人承受的了多次衝撞的 11/19 02:52
12F:推 datong:吃高鈣 11/19 03:15
13F:推 cpujerry:這樣看來以前的捕手真的都很神又很勇,看看洋基波神! 11/19 03:45
14F:推 a502152000:說是以前捕手天身神力...好像也不太對 比賽強度有差? 11/19 04:44
15F:推 nickyang:Posada是少數人,看他生涯蹲捕局數的rank對照ML有多少 11/19 04:54
16F:→ nickyang:捕手就知道了。多數捕手蹲不了那麼久 11/19 04:55
17F:推 immortalqq:Posada大概有吃阿鈣 11/19 08:21
18F:推 bdmizar:那 I-Rod呢? 11/19 09:14
19F:推 samui: 天天維骨力(誤) 11/19 09:22
20F:推 ps20012001:一邊說這些 一邊也毛毛的吧...之前兩年印象猶深.. 11/19 09:26
21F:推 ohmyya:I-ROD表示 11/19 09:44
22F:推 decorum:It's just a matter of time. 11/19 10:09
23F:→ nickyang:I-rod是極少數,看看樣本不就知道了? 11/19 10:10
24F:推 decorum:I-Rod是一腳已經進HoF的現代神獸了 11/19 10:16
25F:推 s4340392:摸小弟呢? 11/19 10:46
26F:→ nakayamayyt:I-Rod相對比較小隻也有關係吧,Girardi也蹲滿久 11/19 11:02

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 時間: 11/19/2013 11:46:26

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