作者JeremyKSKGA (GIANTS!!!)
標題Fw: [外電] Zito
時間Tue Oct 15 22:31:50 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1INIUPpS ]
作者: andy880036s (倪將再起) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] Zito
時間: Tue Oct 15 19:31:32 2013
Barry Zito buys a full-page ad to thank Giants fans
Barry Zito‘s time in San Francisco is almost certainly over. His seven years
with the Giant did coincide with much organizational success but, obviously,
Zito experienced more personal downs than ups in the orange and black.
But to the extent Zito struggled in San Francisco, he never felt abandoned by
fans. Or of he did he’s being a big guy about it and putting it behind him.
He showed that by taking out a full-page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle to
thank Giants fans:
期間為一座世界大賽冠軍出力過 算是值了!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 fzxc50710:高富帥 10/15 19:33
2F:推 howard21201:2012季後賽讓雞頭白回來了 10/15 19:39
3F:推 magicqw:有機會旅台玩玩嗎XD 10/15 19:41
4F:推 SlamKai:Z克 10/15 19:42
5F:推 jet113102:雞克 10/15 20:06
6F:推 epw:2012季後賽何止白而已,根本是白到發亮..... 10/15 20:13
7F:推 hanasid:B Zito 第一次認識他是因為mvp2005 他好像在運動家?! 10/15 20:50
8F:→ hanasid:然後還在想這個人名字真好笑 力凸XDD 10/15 20:51
9F:→ jcto04:頭克 10/15 21:11
10F:→ corlos:雞頭真的很帥 10/15 21:17
11F:推 IRPT001:燒黃紙 10/15 21:18
12F:→ TSbb:可以彈吉他進軍演藝圈了 10/15 21:24
13F:推 Alexander13:人生勝利組 10/15 21:40
14F:推 Kangaroo09:請問什麼ZITO 每一季都能5勝0敗 左右 後面就狂炸 10/15 21:45
15F:→ Kangaroo09:我記得他 開季明明都很威耶..? 10/15 21:46
16F:推 cd12631:大峽谷的能量不長久 10/15 21:47
17F:推 jet113102:沒有都開季很威吧? 08年不就輸得很慘? 10/15 21:49
18F:推 ethan1988:個人拿過賽楊 團隊拿到戒指 值得了 10/15 21:52
19F:推 Kangaroo09:我記得是09以後還10年以後 我忘了=.= 10/15 22:07
20F:推 lampardoRio:當初三巨頭裡面最弱 但是拿到肥約+戒指+賽揚 10/15 22:11
21F:推 Phatmen:請問樓上 三巨頭怎麼分誰強誰弱? 10/15 22:16
22F:推 Phatmen:那請問誰比較強?還是你根本不想管誰強只是想罵人而已? 10/15 22:20
23F:推 ohmyya:值了 10/15 22:20
24F:推 adsl50208:最弱拿賽揚 科科 10/15 22:23
25F:推 Levelmax99:最弱的怎麼會拿到CYA...... 10/15 22:23
26F:推 devilsky:最簡單以ERA+來看 也是Zito居首Mulder略遜 怎會最弱= = 10/15 22:26
27F:→ kobeslaker:他應該是比較他的ID吧 10/15 22:28
28F:推 JeremyKSKGA:感謝Zito 10/15 22:31
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 時間: 10/15/2013 22:31:50
29F:推 jesusnotme :感謝Zito~~~~~~~~ 10/17 10:10
30F:推 t0151991 :我的天啊 7年拉 還記得7年送走一個Barry迎來另一個 10/18 23:35
31F:→ t0151991 :Barry,時間真的過好快 Zito真的是很低調又認真的人 10/18 23:36
32F:推 SpartanB :雖然對Zito的肥約很不爽 但還是謝謝你 10/20 17:20