作者ddtcd (最猛殺蟲劑)
標題[新聞] Giants, Casilla Agree to 3-year Deal
時間Tue Dec 18 16:21:41 2012
The deal is indeed for $15MM over three years, according to Ken
Rosenthal of FOX Sports (on Twitter). Andrew Baggarly of CSN Bay Area
notes (via Twitter) that it won't be a straight $5MM per year, as the
vesting option can become a club option with a buyout.
巨人和Santiago Casilla 簽下15M/3年的合約, 附加第四年為TO.
2013 & 2014年各4.5M, 2015: 5M with 2016 1M buyout.
※ 編輯: ddtcd (, 06/17/2014 20:13:21