作者orthonormal (Yotsai)
標題[問題] Upload image to S3 by paperclip
時間Thu Mar 27 23:04:03 2014
最近在練習Upload image 到 AWS S3 bucket by Paperclip gem,
似乎Paperclip doesn't let you upload directly to S3,是經由一個temp folder,
那麼是在哪裡去指定S3 bucket name, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID資訊呢?
謝謝賜教!! (Rails 4)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Ruby/M.1395932645.A.F6A.html
※ 編輯: orthonormal 來自: (03/27 23:18)
2F:→ danny8376:paperclip#understanding-storage 03/28 00:32
3F:→ danny8376:倒數第二段就是S3的資訊了... 03/28 00:34
4F:→ orthonormal:By default, this location is : 03/28 22:04
5F:→ orthonormal::rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment 03/28 22:05
6F:→ orthonormal:/:id_partition/:style/:filename 03/28 22:06
7F:→ orthonormal:感謝 danny8376 03/28 22:06
8F:推 johnlinvc:建議用fog 03/30 14:18
9F:→ orthonormal:可以請問建議的觀點嗎? 先感謝建議! 03/30 22:09
10F:推 johnlinvc:因為aws-sdk 的s3 很久沒更新了 03/30 22:24