作者giive (lala)
標題Ruby 為什麼叫 Ruby
時間Fri Sep 22 09:11:08 2006
老實說,我很喜歡 Ruby 這個名字
但是有一點很煩人,就是每次 google 東西時
都會出現一堆 林心如 的網頁
perl 取名就很高明,既有 pearl 的音,卻沒有 google 誤判的問題
好啦,為啥當初 Matz 要取名叫做 Ruby 呢?
這裡有一份 Matz 的現身說法
In fact, I'd like to choose the name from jewel, influenced by
Perl, but I named Ruby after my colleague's birthstone.
因為 Matz 取名時希望取做寶石的名字
而 Ruby 剛好是他同事的誕生石
Later, I realized ruby comes right after pearl in several situation,
like birthstones(pearl => June, ruby => July), font size(pearl => 5pt,
ruby => 5.5pt.). I thought Ruby was the good name for the scripting
language newer (and hopefully better) than Perl.
pearl 是六月的誕生石,ruby是七月的誕生石
pearl 字體是 5pt , ruby 字體是 5.5pt
加上Matz本來也是 perl 愛好者
所以他希望 ruby 真的能成為 perl 的繼承者
並且他在設計 ruby 時加入了很多 perl 的語法進去
所以其實有為數不少的 perl programmer 被 ruby 抓走也不是沒有原因的 XD
天意呀!!!(我在 ruby 版自 high 應該沒關係吧)
當他正在跟同事聊到 OO scripting languiage 時
他們都覺得一個 OO scripting language 的前途一片大好
但是看看市面上的scripting language
I knew Perl (Perl4, not Perl5), but I didn't like it
really, because it had smell of toy language (it still has).
我了解 Perl 4 ,但是我不喜歡他身上的玩具味道
I knew Python then. But I didn't like it, because I didn't think it
was a true object-oriented language. OO features are appeared to be
add-on to the language.
我也知道 Python ,但是我認為 Python 不是真正的 OO language
I, as a language mania and OO fan for 15
years, really really wanted a genuine object-oriented, easy-to-use
object-oriented scripting language. I looked for, but couldn't find
15年來我一直努力追求一個純OO的scripting language
So, I decided to make it. It took several months to make the
interpreter run. I put it the features I love to have in my language,
such as iterators, exception handling, garbage collection.
Then, I reorganized the features in Perl into class library, and
implemented them.
所以他決定靠自己來搞,他花了幾個月讓 interpreter 可以 run
然後放了許多他喜歡的 feature 在 ruby 裡面( iterators, exception handling,
garbage collection)然後,他又放了一些Perl東西在Ruby裡面
1995 年 12月 Ruby 0.95 的 newsgroup 出現
不久 ruby mailing list 也出現
1996 年 12月 Ruby 1.0 release ~~~~
lighty RoR 是一個介紹 lighttpd , SQLite , Ruby and Rails 的 Blog
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◆ From:
1F:推 isism:好好笑 ;D 09/22 12:46
2F:推 godfat:剛剛偷 google 了一下,看起來全部都是 ruby-lang... 09/22 18:51
3F:→ godfat:還是 google 知道我平常都在查什麼的關係…? XD 09/22 18:51
4F:推 omusico:真的很特別的由來 09/22 20:34
5F:推 wstd:原來如此 推一下!! ...小聲說有一個"language"有打錯 09/22 21:34