作者giive (lala)
標題Re: Rails 1.2 以及 Rails 2.0 的目標
時間Fri Sep 15 16:33:36 2006
※ 引述《kojilin (呵呵呵噗噗噗..搞笑..)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《giive (lala)》之銘言:
: : 我個人是對 RESTful 有興趣啦,不過我目前實在是不太了解他的意思
: : allow us to focus on more important things Rails is not about inventing your own style for doing common things
: : 有人知道嗎?
: 大概懂RESTful,但我也不懂那句想講什麼
: 後面幾句Over different projects, controllers will look more like the same.
: Prettify routes
: 就比較懂:P
: POST /people
: GET /people/1
: PUT /people/1
: DELETE /people/1
: 大概就HTTP method可以搭配controller做到CRUD
: 恩,所以我還是不知道那句想說什麼:P
: 是說URI不會有自己的風格?
: 可是通常不就那幾個show, edut,update...etc
: koji
http://0rz.net/911OL 了解了
GET: /users => [:action => 'index']
GET: /users.xml => [:action => 'index', :format => 'xml']
GET: /users/1 => [:action => 'show', :id => 1]
GET: /users/1;edit => [:action => 'edit', :id => 1]
GET: /users/1.xml => [:action => 'show', :id => 1, :format => 'xml']
POST: /users => [:action => 'create']
PUT: /users/1 => [:action => 'update', :id => 1]
DELETE: /users/1 => [:action => 'destroy', :id => 1]
我們可以藉由不同 HTTP request 來做到不同的 routing
所以大部份的修改應該都是在 routing 這邊
不知道會不會改的更慢 @@!
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