RootsnShoots 板


龍應台基金會 國際名家論壇 MediaTek Lectures 是誰瀕臨滅絕? 全球生物多樣拯救行動 Are We Saving Them or Ourselves? Global Action on the Rescue of Endangered Biodiversity 50年來,全球人口從25億漲到60億,耗用了地球1/4的表土、1/5的可耕地、1/3的森林, 大幅改變大氣的特質。 人類急速擴張生活領域,導致生態失衡,物種瀕危。每年有15000個物種滅絕。50年內, 預估將有565種乳動物消失,500種鳥類絕種。 當地球被人所獨霸,人,自己將面臨什麼? 還來不來得及拯救?拯救,從哪裡開始?   Human population has climbed from 2.5 billion people to 6 billion since the 1950s and human production has exhausted one-forth of Earth’s land surface, one-fifth of arable land, and one-third of vegetation. The earth’s atmosphere has gradually changed. Vast exploitation has led to ecological imbalance. 15,000 species are threatened with extinction every year and within 50 years, 565 species of mammals and 500 species of birds will disappear. What can we do to curb this wave of extinction? Do we fully understand the challenges we are facing? 講者 彼得‧雷文 前美國國家科學院秘書長 Speaker Peter Raven Former Home Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences  主持 李家維 《科學人》雜誌總編輯 Moderator Chia Wei Li Editor in Chief, Scientific American (Chinese Edition) 時間:2009年4月4日(六)下午2:00 地點:國家圖書館國際會議廳(台北市中山南路20號) Date & Time: Saturday, 4 April 2009 2:00pm- 4:00pm Venue: National Central Library Conference Hall (20 Chungshan S. Rd., Taipei) 全程英語 同步翻譯 Discussion in English with simultaneous interpretation 敬請自備證件於現場換取口譯耳機,費用200 元,憑學生證,優待費用100元。 Earphones can be rented at the venue (general: $200NT, with student ID: $100NT) 報名 Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 < -- 「唯有了解,才會關心;唯有關心,才會行動;唯有行動,生命才有 希望 」 ~~珍古德(Jane Goodall) --

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1F:→ chitanes:有人要去嗎? 02/24 00:04

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