Rockies 板


1993 January 26 - The Rockies restructure their front office. Jerry McMorris becomes chairman, president and CEO; Oren Benton and Charles Monfort become vice chairmen. February 18 - Pitchers and catchers report to Tucson, Ariz., for the club's inaugural spring training. Position players report five days later. March 6 - The Rockies win their first spring training game, 7-2, over San Francisco. David Nied starts and pitches out of a jam in the first by striking out Barry Bonds. April 5 - The club plays its first regular-season game, against the Mets at Shea Stadium. Dwight Gooden tosses a three-hit shutout. April 9 - The Rocky Mountain region welcomes big-league baseball, as the Rockies host Montreal at Mile High Stadium. Eric Young homers to lead off the bottom of the first, bringing the record-setting crowd of 80,227 to its feet. Colorado wins 11-4, behind 37-year-old Bryn Smith, who blanks the Expos over seven innings. May 9 - The team recognizes Lydia McKee as the one millionth fan through the gates at Mile High Stadium. Ironically, the mother of two is recognized on Mother's Day. The Rockies reach the million mark in just 17 home dates, breaking the previous best of 21 set by the '92 Toronto Blue Jays. May 14 - Jay Gainer becomes the 12th player in history to homer on his first Major League pitch. June 20 - After eclipsing the million mark on Mother's Day, the Rockies crack 2 million on Father's Day, the 36th home date. Colorado reaches the mark faster than any team in history, breaking the '92 Blue Jays mark of 41 dates. July 28 - The Rockies surpass the 3 million plateau in their 53rd home date. Once again, the club is the fastest to reach the milestone, breaking the previous mark of 61 set by Toronto in 1992. September 17 - On their 71st home date, the Rockies surpass the 4 million mark, breaking the single-season attendance record. September 26 - The inaugural attendance is final: 4,483,350. October 3 - The Rockies conclude their inaugural season with the most wins by an NL expansion club. Andres Galarraga wins the batting title, the first won by an expansion player and Venezuelan native. November 2 - The club and the Denver Metropolitan Stadium District agree to expand Coors Field to approximately 50,200. December 1 - Free-agent outfielder Ellis Burks agrees to a three-year deal. December 6 - The Rockies re-sign first baseman Andres Galarraga to a four-year contract. -- 你這個討厭鬼、自私鬼、膽小鬼 什麼叫為我好啊.... 是為我好還是為你好啊? 好什麼好阿...說我不懂,你才不懂咧.... 大學畢業了不起啊! --
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