Rockies 板


1992 February 14 - KOA Radio (850 AM) signs a five-year agreement to become the team's flagship station. March 2 - Ownership chooses Tucson, Ariz., as the Rockies spring training home. The agreement between the Rockies and the Pima County Sports Authority calls for the club to play its spring training games at Hi Corbett Field, the former Cactus League home of the Cleveland Indians. March 19 - The club announces its 1993 ticket prices, seating locations, and season-ticket packages. The Colorado Rockies Foundation commits to providing at least 150,000 tickets in '93 to the less fortunate. April 16 - KWGN-TV (Channel 2) in Denver signs a five-year agreement to become the Rockies' exclusive over-the-air television broadcaster. June 1 - John Burke, a pitcher from the University of Florida and a native of Englewood, Colo., is selected by the Rockies in the first round of the MLB June Draft, the club's first-ever draft selection. The 6-4, 220-pound righthander, the 27th player selected overall in the draft, signs a contract with the Rockies. June 6 - The Rockies conduct a tryout camp at the University of Denver baseball field. June 16 - Bend, Ore., hosts the first game in organization history, a Single-A Northwest League contest between the Bend Rockies and Boise Hawks. With the Rockies trailing 4-1 in the bottom of the eighth, catcher Will Scalzitti hits a grand slam to give his club a dramatic 6-4 win. July 4 - The Rockies unveil their traditional 1993 uniforms (home, away, and Sunday alternate) at a Team USA-Team Cuba baseball game at Mile High Stadium before 61,165 fans. Included on the home uniform is purple pinstripes, making the Rockies the first team in Major League history to feature purple stripes. The club's road uniform is gray and the alternate is black. Also, the team improves its logo. September 2 - Jerry McMorris, Oren Benton and Charles Monfort acquire all of the interests previously owned by non-Coloradoans. The local trio assumes control of the team. October 16 - Club officials, civic leaders and other dignitaries break ground on the future site of Coors Field. October 27 - The Rockies name Dmon Baylor their first manager. November 9 - The Colorado Baseball Partnership completes its acquisition of the franchise by paying the $95 million franchise fee. Shortly thereafter, the Rockies acquire pitcher Travis Buckley from the Montreal Expos in exchange for a player-to-be-named (Matt Connolly) in the club's first trade. November 16 - The club signs free-agent first baseman Andres Galarraga. November 17 - The Rockies select David Nied from the Atlanta Braves to open the MLB Expansion Draft in New York City. At the same time, more than 20,000 fans fill Denver's Currigan Hall to watch the historic event. After the draft, Colorado trades Kevin Reimer and Jody Reed for Dante Bichette and Rudy Seanez, respectively. -- 你這個討厭鬼、自私鬼、膽小鬼 什麼叫為我好啊.... 是為我好還是為你好啊? 好什麼好阿...說我不懂,你才不懂咧.... 大學畢業了不起啊! --
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