RedSox 板


Ortiz 在冬季聯盟打的不錯,目前為止 33AB, 2 doubles, 2 homers ,6 RBI, avg .303 另外我發現了 Fox Sports 幫我們排的 Top Ten Prospects(不過有點過期了) 如果有空在翻譯吧.... WHO TO WATCH: Red Sox prospects BY DAYN PERRY Special to Aug. 14, 2003 1:33 a.m. Red Sox overview Under erstwhile GM Dan Duquette, the Red Sox frequently pawned off minor-league talent for a grasp at contention, and they also suffered from the organization's mostly feckless attempts at developing Asian talent. That?s left a thin system for the most part. There's not a true high-ceiling arm in the entire system, and there's only a handful of promising hitters. That'll change, though. New GM Theo Epstein has created an organizational fusion of traditional and emergent methods of evaluating talent. That'll pay off in many ways, and one of those will be in the draft. The Sox will focus on skills over tools, and that'll pay off in the coming years. Things are looking up already. Overall ranking: 21st Top Ten Prospects 1. Kevin Youkilis, 3B, Age: 24 If you've read Michael Lewis' Moneyball, you'll recognize Youkilis as the "Greek god of walks" And that he is. Youkilis has posted ridiculously good walk rates at every stop, and this season is no exception (86 BB in 312 AB at AA-Portland). Scouts don't like his pudgy body, and there's some real doubt as to whether he'll hit for even a modicum of power at the major-league level. But he is an on-base machine, and he's in an organization that covets that skill. He?s just been promoted to Triple-A, so his time is nigh. ETA: 2004. 2. David Murphy, OF, Age: 21 The Sox drafted Murphy with the 17th overall pick of the June draft. He's a slugging outfielder out of Baylor who's capable of playing center. He draws walks and hits for power ? just what the Sox will focus on in the draft now that Theo Epstein is in charge. Murphy is signed and already playing in the short-season NY-Penn League. He's only logged 79 ABs thus far, but he's already showing tremendous patience. Once he adjusts to hitting with wood, the power should follow. ETA: Late 2005. 3. Kelly Shoppach, C, Age: 23 The Sox nabbed Shoppach in the second round of the 2001 draft out of Baylor. In 2002, h put together a solid offensive season in the Florida State League. This season, he's a bit better at AA-Portland. Scouts like his defense, and his bat is solid. Shoppach has shown very good power to the gaps this season, so he may have some untapped power potential in his bat. He's not a future star, but he can be a productive regular at the highest level. ETA: Late 2004. 4. Matt Murton, OF, Age: 21 Murton was nabbed in the supplemental first round of the June draft with the 32nd overall pick. He's a corner outfielder out of Georgia Tech, and although he doesn't have Murphy's ceiling he's still a strong prospect. Like Murphy, he showed power and patience as an amateur. He's also in the NY-Penn League at the moment and playing well. Together, Murphy and Murton are a double-shot of positional depth that the system sorely needed. ETA: Late 2005. 5. Manny Delcarmen, RHP, Age: 21 Delcarmen was drafted in 2000 in the second round out of high school in Roxbury, Mass. So he's got the local thing going for him. He's also got pitching skills. Delcarmen can hit 95 with his fastball, and he has an outstanding curve. He'll need to develop a third pitch. He looked strong in the Sally League last season, and he's presently pitching well in the Florida State League. He's battled injuries this season, which lowers his stock a bit. The raw skills are there, but he's got a long way to go. ETA: Late 2005. 6. Hanley Ramirez, SS, Age: 19 Ramirez was signed out of the Dominican in 2000, and after a thoroughly excellent season in the low minors in 2002 he began popping up on prospect lists. This year, he's struggled all season in the Sally League, so that's taken some shine off his prospect status. Still, it's too early to write him off. According to scouts, he has the defensive chops to stick at shortstop. And last season his bat was incredible. It's an indictment that he's not hitting in low-A ball, but he deserves the benefit of the doubt for now. ETA: 2006. 7. Jorge de la Rosa, LHP, Age: 22 The Sox purchased de la Rosa out of the Mexican Leagues in 2000. He throws a hard fastball-slider combo, but lacks a plus off-speed pitch. Prior to this season, he pitched well in the low minors but struggled at Double-A. In 2003,however, he put together an excellent season at AA-Portland, posting a 2.80 ERA, striking out more than a batter per inning and showing strong command. He's just been promoted to Triple-A. Some think his limited repertoire will confine him to a relief role at the highest level, but now that he's tasted success in the high minors as a starter he may one day get a shot at the rotation. ETA: Late 2004. 8. Josh Stevens, RHP, Age: 24 Stevens is a bit of journeyman (as much as a 24-year-old can really be a journeyman). Drafted by the Blue Jays in 1997, Stevens has spent time in the Yankees' system and in the Indie Leagues. He's always struck guys out and shown excellent control, which is why the Red Sox signed him prior to this season. This year, his strikeout rate had dropped a bit at AA-Portland, but his control has been incredible (Only 16 unintentional walks in 139 innings). His hit rate has always been high relative to his strikeout numbers, so that's a source of concern. But the Sox may have a diamond in the rough on their hands. ETA: Late 2004. 9. Chad Spann, OF, Age: 19 The Sox drafted Spann in 2002 in the fifth round out of a Georgia high school. His debut season in the GCL was thoroughly forgettable, but he's broken out this season in the Sally League. He's hitting .325 and has posted a tolerable walk rate. His power stroke leaves much to be desired at this point, but he's still very young. He'll likely be the type of hitter who must hit for a high average in order to havevalue, but he may have the skills to do that. He's a long way from Boston, so this is a highly speculative ranking. He's a "wait and see" prospect. ETA: Late 2006. 10. Juan Cedeno, LHP, Age: 19 Cedeno was signed out of the Dominican Republic in 2001. He had a decent season in 2002, and he's looked a little stronger this year in the Sally League. He has good velocity on his fastball, but he has trouble repeating his delivery. He's posting a good strikeout rate and hit rate this year, but he needs to improve his control. He's young, in the low minors and yet to truly dominate. Still, he's worth watching. Perhaps he has some currency as a reliever at the highest level. ETA: Late 2004. --

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